First time writer Jan Oxenberg gave us an uneven episode in which Max is led to another alien artifact through the visions Liz experirences as a result of his kisses. There were some nice visual effects as Liz was transported to a cosmic universe in the throes of passion.
Director David Semel made good use of the chemistry between the characters to offer some good interaction between them that was much more comfortable and free than we've come to expect from them, in spite of the sexual tension.
I didn't feel like we were ever given a good reason for the visions. There were hints and implications that this was caused by some kind of chemical reaction and that there was a potential risk to Liz's health, but that's all they were. It was never really explained why Liz was the only one getting these galactic visions or why Max is the only one capable of giving the amazing glowing hickey. Two teenagers giving in to sexual frustration and getting carried away is completely understandable, but the vague references to other physical causes were confusing. I thought the episode relied too much on the appeal of beautiful people making out and too little on actual plot development.
I wondered if the lack of visions between Max and Liz in the final scene indicated that the only reason for them in the first place was to find the orb. And if that's the case, it didn't explain why Max and Liz were the only ones getting the visions. It makes more sense to me that if the whole reason for the visions was to lead the kids to the orb, then the more people getting them, the higher the success rate. I think this was a key plot point that was underdeveloped and poorly explained.
Nacedo's appearance at the signal tower indicated that he was possibly involved in whatever was going on, but that wasn't explained either. We were left to wonder how long he'd been there and what his purpose was.
Under set inconsistency of the week, we can file Liz's balcony. In Heat Wave, the fire escape was to the right of the window, but now it's directly opposite the windows. Nice to know you can move those things in an emergency.
I thought it was interesting that of all the parents, Liz's dad was the one most willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. He was the one I most expected to be up in arms about his daughter spending the night away from home with a boy. Did anyone else want Isabel to just reach out and grab that ping pong ball that Michael was bouncing on the paddle in front of her face?
I thought the jump into physical intimacy for Max and Liz was rushed. I know they've been pining for each other for months now, but what really changed? This could have been explained if they'd followed up on the chemical reaction angle of things, but since that remained vague and ambiguous, it just didn't work for me that Max would all of a sudden forget all the reasons he's had for maintaining his distance.
Liz's reaction to Max stroking her hand in class seemed way over the top to me. Again, this could maybe have been explained by more detail on the reasons for the urgency, but without that, it just seemed out of character to me that she would forget herself so much in the middle of a class.
And speaking of that scene, what are the chances that they are going to get detention for inappropriate behavior in class and then get left alone to serve that detention? Doesn't that kind of defeat the purpose?
Liz's aggressive hostility to her mother seemed out of character to me, as well. She's been portrayed to have a fairly good relationship with her parents, in spite of typical teen frustration over their attempts to remain involved in her life. But she became aggressively confrontational both in the principal's office and after her mother caught her sneaking into her bedroom.
The kiss between Isabel and Alex didn't work for me. I'm all for more development between the two of them, but that scene felt like a sidenote to me. I think it could have worked if Isabel hadn't so completely and dismissively blown him off earlier about experimenting. But, in spite of her ice princess persona, I don't think Isabel would be so unkind as to coldly use him for experimenting. It would have worked for me a lot better if they had shown her being tempted by his offer and affected a little more by his kiss.
I found myself wondering how Michael managed to find an apartment he could afford and what means he found to continue to afford it. I think they missed a good opportunity for backstory on Michael to overlook the whole apartment-finding process. It would have been fun to see him going through that.
In spite of it feeling rushed, I was glad to see progress in Max and Liz's relationship. It was good to see them give up some of that infamous control and just let themselves feel what they feel for each other.
I loved the scene in the girl's locker room when Max sneaks in to research his vision. I loved his honesty with her both about the fact that it could have been his own imagination and how her feelings for him made him feel.
Maria handing the strawberry to Max was cute, as was his reaction to it.
I laughed at Isabel playing little Miss Homemaker setting up Michael's kitchen.
Jo Anderson did a nice job as Liz's mom. She came across as a very caring and compassionate mother worried about her daughter.
Michael was a lot more open and less defensive in this episode and it was a nice change. Being on his own appears to agree with him.
There was a nice moment of empathy from Isabel to Liz when Liz arrived at Michael's apartment and says things are strange. You could see that Isabel understood how confusing it all must have been for her. It would be nice to see more development in their friendship.
I thought Michael and Maria made some huge strides forward in their relationship. Their final scene on the couch when he puts his arm around her, kisses her on the forehead and actually says "Thanks" was incredibly tender and sweet. I was glad they were able to be honest with each other about what they had been experiencing while they kissed.
It was nice to see Max and Liz smiling and laughing with each other. Makes a nice change to the pining, soulful looks they've been exchanging of late.
I liked the final scene with the parents framed in the doorway of the Crashdown as Max and Liz walk in hand in hand to face them together.
I loved that we finally got some friendly, joking banter between Michael and Max in this episode. We see entirely too little of that and it was a welcome change.
Maria: "Liz, nice strawberries."
Liz: "I always knock over strawberries this time of night. Always."
Max: "I have orders from my home planet to take over the earth."
Liz: "When I actually do it, it's not going to be between a plate of kielbasa and a deep fryer."
Mrs. Parker: "Don't ever have sex, don't ever leave this house, don't ever stop being my baby girl."
Michael: "Did she see anyone else on the ship, like our parents?"
Isabel: "Yeah, like Captain Kirk and the Klingons? Do you have a paper towel
Michael: "I could act like a person. But then I'd have to fake it."
Michael: "Maxwell, let me assure you, you have not experienced anything I have not experienced many times or caused to be experienced."
Michael: "I see you."
Alex: "In the interests of science, kissing being purported to invoke…insights, I wanted to, you know, offer myself as a human subject available for experimentation."
Isabel: "Not gonna happen, Alex."
Alex: "Right, right. Thought I'd give it a shot."
Science Teacher: "You are an excellent student, Miss Parker. I'd hate to see anything get between you and the…uh…beauty of the universe."
Isabel: "Do you have a juicer?"
Michael: "Isabel, you're pushing it."
Michael: "Go for it, Maxwell, for the good of all mankind, you lucky, undeserving dog."
Michael: "Listen, Maxwell. You're a sensitive guy and you have available to you one of the top three seduction lines in history with 'It's going to help me find my home planet'. And you're refusing to use it. No guy is that sensitive. Use it."
Michael: "OK. We're leaving now. But I have some Chaka Khan queued up on the CD player."
Liz: "I can't do it to you."
Max: "I'm glowing everywhere; my toes, my heart. You can't see it…it's on the
Maria: "Michael, I was looking for you at your apartment, but I found Max and Liz
Michael: "Yeah. Are they still there?"
Maria: "No. I just drove Liz home."
Michael: "Great. I won't have to miss the hockey game."
Max: "You're not the only one who could worry about being used. I mean, some girls would give a lot to see themselves fly through outer space."
Liz: "So what you're saying is that you've saved me from a life of watching Kyle barf."
I give this episode 3.75 UFOs out of 5.