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Pet Training

A few owners might like to see their pets jump through hoops, but everyone should have an adequate level of discipline with their pets. Dogs are more likely to be trained than cats, but the basic "come" and "stay" commands would also benefit cat (and other pet) owners.

Most puppies are paper trained when owners obtain them, but many owners elect to give some adult dogs, and many puppies, obedience schooling and other training. If you choose not to do that, there are many videos and books to help you train a pet yourself. Most training can be done at home. The most important tips for at home training are:

Come This is an important command for your pet to understand in case of emergency, or any time you need to find them. Start teaching your pet inside, where there are no distractions. From a few feet away from your pet, say the command ("Princess come") while holding a treat of some kind. When you have their attention, keep backing up for a few more feet. When they reach you, give them the treat and some kind words, petting, etc.

Stay Gently place or command your pet into a relaxed position (sitting, laying, etc.) while saying their name and "stay". Stay with them and release them after a short time, giving them some kind of positive reinforcement. Continue the exercise adding time, or distance from you, each time.

The following are some other good sites to get information and tips on training:

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