Here Be Dragons!

My Dragon Guide
She is sage advisor and seer. Shambala flies to the sun to gather the secrets of the universe, one by one, and brings them back to me at the time I am ready to learn them.

Momma Dragon
Fierce protectress, patient teacher, wise elder, cheerful playmate, stern disciplinarian, nurturing mother. Behold.......Dragon as Mother.

Directress of Magicks
Draclouda dwells within the clouds. As each Magick is sent into the atmosphere, she collects it with her chrystal and then directs it to it's intended recipient.

Keeper of the Lost Souls
Espiritu's realm is between the Worlds. She guides those who have become lost in the aether, and leads them to the next plane of existence.
A Dragon's work is never done!

Guardian of the Oceans and Rivers
Keeper of the Tides
Lunesce oversees the moon's influence over our watery orb, and directs it's power to the oceans. She is the conjurer of Hurricanes and uses them to cleanse the oceanic realm.

..........And This Be My Interpretation of the Dragons.
All of the names and descriptions of each Dragon are all the products of my own mind. They have nothing to do with traditional myth or legend, they are merely how I see them. I can do this, see. 'Tis called Witche's Lisence. If any of this looks or sounds familiar.....believe me........'tis but coincidence ;o)
I do not know the artists or owners of these graphics. They are not my creations so please do not sell them. If you recognize one of these lovely ladies to be yours, please email me. I will give you credit, link back to your site, or remove her......your choice.

More Dragon Art and some Legends
(From the Head of Inanna)