Magick is Afoot!

Just my humble opinion and thoughts
On what Magic is and what it brings us.
We ARE energy. Our bodies are the generators of Life Itself. We contain the electricity of so many biological processes. Think of your heatbeat.......this is an electrical event. Your brain, through the process of neurons,synapses, neurotransmitters and receptor sites, is a energy system most complex and astounding! We are technological miracles! Nothing can reproduce the thought patterns of a human brain, not even the most complex computer.
We have not even begun to fully utilize this wondrous organ. Most people only utilize about 5 to 10% of the brain's capabilities. I firmly believe that anything from space and time travel to telekinesis and telepathy is entirely possible when we learn to use the untapped regions of our brain.......located in the right hemisphere.
We are so conditioned from age 5 on to almost exclusivly use the left hemisphere. This is why I believe that children under age 5 are so very intune with the spirit world........they instictivly know how to use the right side of their brains.
To the Lakota people, the traditional "best" time to use the sacred pipe was at sunrise and sunset. The atmosphere of the Earth is more conducive to the transmission of radio waves at sunrise and sunset. What the heck does this have to do with anything? Brain waves are lower frequency radio waves. They are measured in Hertz. There are 4 types: Beta - 14 to 30 hertz, Alpha - 8 to 13 hertz, theta - 4 to 7 hertz, andDelta - 1 to 3.5 hertz.
Anytime we have a thought, we are sending out our thought patterns in the form of radio waves out into the atmosphere........out to others as well. We all have the same very sensitive antennae. It's all in which hemisphere on "processes" these waves. Anyhow, I believe this is how spells and magick in general works so well.
When we are in a meditative state (during ritual or whilst initiating "magicks") we are in Alpha state. This is the wave frequency that is most conducive to "sending" information.....available to us as of yet. I believe that, when we learn to use the right hemisphere of the brain, we will discover MUCH more conducive frequencies and we will be able to use our brains like cell phones. No words will be used...only brain waves...which will have a universal language. There will be no "language barriers". Spells are not just every day thoughts. They are incredibly concentrated thoughts sent out in the Alpha state. They can be MOST powerful! Caution must be exercised at ALL times. They can affect individuals as well as events.
Case in point........from 1988 to 1992 in was involved in 5 major car accidents. None of them were even remotely my fault. People would come out of the blue and hit me. These events forced me to evaluate my thoughts several years ago and I found them to be self destructive and possessing even a violence directed at myself. I went through a process of eliminating these destructive thoughts and lo and behold.....NO MORE ACCIDENTS....since 1992. I changed my thought patterns and consequently my accidents stopped. I believe I was sending out strong thought patterns to other driver to come and hit me. No joke! I believe that we create our own reality by our thoughts. We can manipulate energy and events through concentrated brain waves.
Magick is not only art, but in every way Science! As we have witnessed with the bombing of Hiroshoma, that science can very easily get out of hand when negative, harmful thoughts are involved. Create your thoughts, your science, and your magick with care. Care involves love. When Love in it's truest form is involved, no harm can be done.
~ Inanna ~