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Hello everyone ,thanks for stopping by.I hope my Main Page can be of help to you all some how.Everything you see has been done with a Sony Webtv .

Ok let me explain the sidebar meneu.


A reminder to everyone,please sign my guest book and tell me if you have any questions,suggestions of a page to add or anything you might want to know.Thank you for visting.

Also,I am continuously working on updating my irc list so if you come across a bad link please let me know.

I also have a new links page.Just click HEREto add your page if you have not already done so.Thanks again for visiting my web

This page has begun my latest odessey,a trip thru cyberspace.I have been working hard to add pages that appear to have a value to someone starting or already working an a web site/page.Some of the links here are very new to me but have shown me alot of info or a different varity of info.I hope they are of use to at least some of the people passing through my bit of cyberspace.Please remember to sign my guestbook if for no other reason then to tell me if i'm heading in the right direction with things.Also it would be nice to hear your comments one way or the other.hehehe I do have a sense of humor too. ****Please take my poll to let me know what you think of my webpages this is a trial attempt to use how well this works.Thank a million.**** My Web Poll


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