1 Appreciate your own body!
2 Express your love and intimacy in appropriate   ways!
3 Take responsibility for your own behavior
4 Decide what is personally right and act on those values!
5 Understand the consequences of sexual activity.
6 Talk with your partner about sexual activity before it occurs,   including limits, contraceptive use and the meaning in the relationship.
7 Communicate desires not to have sex and respect refusal to have sex.
8 If sexually active, use contraception effectively to avoid pregnancy and use condoms and safer sex materials to avoid contracting and transmitting a sexually transmitted disease.
9 Practice health-promoting behaviors, such as regular check-ups breast or testicular exams.
10 Demonstrate tolerance for people with different values.


There are many different types of relationships and it is not our job, nor anyone else’s to judge which type is better.  In creating this page Teen 2 Teen volunteers went  through a lot of debate on what we would include on this page.  Our final decision was that we wouldRelationships never be able to teach someone how to be in a relationship or what the proper things to do once in one would be.  All that we want you guys to remember is to keep yourself safe, have fun, and ensure that everything that is happening is what you want to happen.