This is the alphabet written with something (or someone) in Tamora Pierce's books for each letter (A=Alanna, B=Buri, etc). You can do it for all the books, or just one series, or just one book, and that affects how many points you get (you get more points if you use less books, because it's harder). If you want to send me one, e-mail me, but first read the other ones so yours isn't the same. This was Julie/Jewls's idea, and she sent me the first one:
Tortallan Alphabet, by Julie/Jewls
Tortall/Emelan Alphabet, by Rowan of Callamonderez
Alanna: The First Adventure Alphabet, by Jewls
In the Hand of the Goddess Alphabet, by Moon_Jem
The Woman Who Rides Like A Man Alphabet, by Cathal of Burr
Emperor Mage Alphabet, by Cathal of Burr
First Test Alphabet, by Cathal of Burr
Page Alphabet, by Sakura of Caneedy
Tortall/Emelan Alphabet, by Meg of Goldensun
Alanna: The First Adventure Alphabet, by Cathal of Burr
Lioness Rampant Alphabet, by Meg of Goldensun
Tamora Pierce Alphabet, by Malopia
Lioness Rampant Alphabet, by Dahara Crystalblade