I've finally got one of these! Actualy, I had the banner for ages but it was on the computer that didn't have Internet, but I've finaly made this page. So how does it work? Well, instead of just putting a text link to my site on your Links page, you put this banner which is much prettier, and makes people notice it and go to my site... So could you? Please?
Already, here's the banner...
I know it's not that great, but I made it myself and it was really hard. And the picture on this one is sort of lousy, but I couldn't find a better one. Oh well, I only did it on Microsoft Paint anyway, which isn't that great if you're trying to make graphics, but it's all I have.
So to put it on your site you just upload it onto your site, then copy and paste this code on your Links page:
< a href="https://www.angelfire.com/ri/caldenastortall" >< img src="whatever name you put for it" >< /a >
Without the spaces between the < and > thingies and the text in the HTML code, of course. If I didn't put those the text wouldn't show up on this page. Sorry...