My name is Caldena Aeryn Fireheart of Naxen. No, that's not my real name, obviously. My real first name is Brette, which is not a boy's name in my case (it has an e at the end, OK?) and my last name shouldn't be of any interest to you in the first place. My name sounds like Bread (thus my Chinese name: Mien Pau... notice any similarity to my old e-mail address? You should). OK, whatever, I don't think you care anyway.
I live in wonderfully boring Singapore, with my sister and my parents and Gina and my dog and rabbit and hamster and my beloved computer. I'm obsessed with the Internet, and spend hours every day doing stupid things like this. I'm also addicted to the Internet and to books.
Speaking of which... My favourite authors are Tamora Pierce, Marion Zimmer Bradley, philip Pullman, John Steinback, and me. Yep, I'm writing a novel, which isn't finished so I'm not going to tell you anything about it. But if you're in a bookstore and you see a fantasy book by someone named Brette, chances are it's by me. So of course you'll be forced to buy it, but thar'll be years from now anyway.
I have build over 10 websites in the past year, but most of them I've forgotten anyway. A few that I can name, however, are The Unofficial Fantasy Writers' Club, Avalon and Caldena's Domain. Throughout the Internet I have quite a few names, including Caldena (Cal, Cally, as well as any misspelled versions of Caldena of course), Eisam, Alira, Kara, Katherine, Nirvelli, etc. There are tons more that I've forgotten.
I'm pretty anti-social, though now I go to a relatively small school where everybody is sort of courteous towards everyone else, unlike my old school where some people thought they were too good to talk to people like me. Oh well, they'd better enjoy their moment of glory,' cause it's all downhill from here *grins evilly*. My lack of a social life has made me spend hours on ed on the Internet, to the dismay of my parents who would prefer that I talked to people. Like I care. I dress, act, and even think in ways that are completely different from other people... by choice, of course. I'd rather be a unique social outcast than a carbon copy of everyone else. Well, I guess I've got my wish. Either way, I like life at the moment, though for a while I hated it, so I've got nothing to complain about. I should update my site more... I think I'll change the subject.
My favourite singer is Sarah McLachlan, because I think her lyrics are so meaningful, plus she has a beautiful voice and her songs are easy to memorize. I can't listen to songs unless I know the words, or else it drives me insane. I also like Roxette, and Joan Jett for some strange reason *hums to Bad Reputation*.
Enough about me. This was stupid in the first place.
Hi! My internet name is Malopia Neverts, but my real name is Claire. (you can call me that if you want) I'm now the official co-owner of Caldena's Tortall. I have several other sites that I have never finished. I love reading, writing, surfing the net, soccer among other things. I also live in Singapore which is one of the puniest countries of the world. I have one older sister who I get along with very well. My fav author is....I don't know. A few are: Tammy, J.K Rowling, Phyllis Reynolds Taylor, Jacqueline Wilson.... I listen to No Doubt (which is my fav group) but otherwise I don't have any special preference. I love pizza and pasta ( I always say I have italian blood) and I hate chain letters. ( beware if you send me one!lol!) When I'm older, I want to be a writer/hotel and restaurant manager dancer/comedian! I'm sure I'll pick which one I want later on! eh hem.. I don't particularily like school, I am not anti-social but I'm not the most popular girl in school ( not that I care ONE BIT) and I can't talk about myself as long as Cally, so this is it! (I can be a bit insane sometimes and wild, just to warn you!lol) You can go to another page now.