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Anne Rice FAQ


** Like I said, who is Anne Rice anyway?

** So what has Anne written?

** These names are a bit wordy, is there a shorter way of referring to them?

** Enough with the books already, what about short stories?

** How much of Anne's real life is in her books?

** Why do so many of Anne's characters end up in New Orleans or San Francisco?

** Does Anne really believe in vampires and witches?

** Why do Anne's characters use outdated PC programs? You'd think they could afford better.

** Why doesn't Anne write about characters who aren't white?

** Can you give me a list of articles about Anne?

** Is there an official biography about Anne?

** How can I get in contact with Anne?

** What's this I hear about a newsletter?

** Where can I send fan mail to Anne?

** Does Anne read every letter sent to her?

** Will Anne send me a personal response that I can then gloat about to all my friends?

** Hey! That address is for Anne's house! I can go visit her now, can't I?

** Awh, shucks. Can't I at least see the inside?

** Weren't there other houses that were open for tours?

** Does Anne have an email address?

** Just who exactly does the editing for Anne's books? There are some pretty hefty grammer/continuity/spelling errors in those. What's going on with the editors at Knopf?

** What's this I hear about Anne and President Clinton?

** What happened with Anne and the Chapel?

** What about Anne and Straya's?

** I heard something about a health scare?

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