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Anne Rice FAQ


** Help! I just finished The Mummy and I'm dying to read the sequel! Please tell me there will be one!

** What's this I hear about a movie of The Mummy?

** What future project is Anne working on?

** I heard this great rumor that Anne's putting together a book that will bring The Mummy, TWH and VampChron characters all together. Is this true?

** Which cameos do you mean?

** A lot of people focus on TWH and VampChron, doesn't anyone like Cry to Heaven or The Feast of All Saints?

** I really don't like the supernatural stuff. Will Anne be doing any more books like Cry to Heaven and Feast of All Saints?

** I saw a fiction book by Alice Borchardt that had an intro by Anne in it. What's that all about?

** What do you mean I'm supposed to believe Violin is true?

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