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Anne Rice FAQ


** What's a Roquelaure and why did Anne choose that name?

** Would you think me absolutely crazy if I told you that I thought Prince Laurent sounded a lot like Lestat?

** I think the Beauty books were the best thing that came out of Anne's mind. Will she be writing more erotica like that?

** Someone told me that Belinda was a good book but I really don't like erotica. Should I still read it?

** Is there going to be a Belinda movie?

** What was Anne's original reaction to the movie of EtoE?

** Did that give you a good laugh?

** What does Anne say now?

** So the movie is not like the book?

** Well, I'd still be interested to know who does what in the movie, could you tell me that?

** Wait a minute, I don't remember any cops in EtoE!

** Are there any other interesting tidbits about the EtoE movie?

** It wasn't gulp #1 was it?

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