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Heros of Renown - Fearing No Evil

Depictions? ... Nay Shame

Boys of Wexford ... Boolavogue ... Fears to Speak, 1798 ... Irish Voice

Irish Language

A family who knowing it or otherwise did much to get "No Irish Need Apply" notions out of the heads of brainwashed "No Nothing" people. Their contributions on behalf of African-Americans is legend. This boldness in pursuit of justice left them dangerously exposed. Yes, they have human failings, made mistakes, but then, nothing ventured, nothing gained ( overall, an A- rating). What other family is their equivalent? - in the history of these United States - one may ponder long to list but one.

Apollo 11 was set in motion on May 25, 1961, when John F. Kennedy asked a joint session of Congress to approve $1.8 billion in spending for space, the military and civil defense, and to build up the country's image. Remarkably, the United States at that time had only one manned flight experience - the 15-minute suborbital hop by Alan Shepard just 20 days before. And in those early days more rockets were blowing up than making it into space.
"I believe this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before the decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to Earth," Kennedy said. "No single space project in this period will be more impressive to mankind, or more important for the long-range exploration of space; and none will be so difficult or expensive to accomplish."

Eager to Show the way


John John Jr's body recovered July 21, 1999. A memorial Mass organized by the Irish community in New York is scheduled for Thursday, July 22nd at Old St. Patrick's Cathedral in lower Manhattan at around 6 PM.
"It is intended to supplement whatever service the family will arrange and perhaps accommodate mourners who might not otherwise have an opportunity to pay their respects,'' said Brian O'Dwyer, head of the Emerald Isle Immigration Center.

Seafaring traditions

John Barry, "Father of American Navy" like the Kennedys out of a Wexford tradition, major contributing families in America's cause. This tradition is visibly ongoing by the Kennedy clan in America.
John Barry's brother, Patrick, also a lover of the sea, captained an American ship but lost his life early in America's fight for independance. He was buried at sea.

July 22, 1999 - it is rightly fitting that men of a sea faring tradition should wish to return to the sea that they so loved. The ashes of John Kennedy Jr. and those of his wife and her sister, are being cermoniously presented to the seas, the Atlantic ocean. We pray that ocean currents will float John's ether to lap the shores of Erin while whispering waves pronounce "another child has come home."
May God hold them in the palm of His hand. R.I.P.

Forever young (just like Jesus)

What a wonderful memorial service for John John Jr., his wife and her sister - the Bessette ladies - on July 22, 1999.
Thousands gathered Thursday at Old St. Patrick's Cathedral on Mulberry Street, a site once known as the city's main Roman Catholic shrine.

Kennedy, who inherited his father's sense of promise is now with his parents in heaven. No one (other than those who are ?) had only but good to say about him. The way he handled himself when being hounded by the media was something. No camplaining, no tantrums thrown, nothing of the sort.

"He never asked what we could do for him, but rather what he could do for us,'' Carolyn Ryan told a thousand mourners inside Old St. Patrick's in a service marked by bagpipe music, hymns and scripture read in Gaelic. Some 3,000 more people were outside.

Ryan, of the Emerald Isle Immigration Center, asked congregants to salute Kennedy in memory of his famous gesture to his slain father, the nation's 35th president, on the son's third birthday.

The media were there in numbers great, my image must surely be captured while on line, on entry to, or when exiting from that magnificent "Old Saint Patrick's Cathedral." The pride I felt is hard to describe; a Famine surviving people who having gained wealth still immerse themselves in public service for the betterment of his fellow man. The example they set and the inspiration they provide, in pride and love of family, is magical.

I heard the strains of Kevin Barry and Will ye come to the Bower before the memorial Mass got underway - overcoming is awesome - knowing how a people struggled and still cannot be forced to "lay doon."

A little of what we heard: Tyrone Pipers, Cathedral Organist, Lake Isle of Innisfree, by W.B. Yeats, "The Culain," by O'Carolan (famed Irish harper and composer), Danny Boy and ending with the "Battle Hymn of the Republic."

Father Colm Campbell, Irish Apostolate USA, who is from Belfast, spoke of our loss and reminicesed about John John's father's trip to Ireland and of the esteem by which he is held, by %80 of the people of that island.

July 23, 1999, at a private service in NY city which included President Clinton and select others, a part of what Sen. Ted Kennedy addressed about his nephew "He was still becoming the person he would be, and doing it by the beat of his own drummer. He had only just begun. There was in him a great promise of things to come."

John's sister, Caroline, read a piece from the "Tempest" more in keeping with her mother's Anglo-French roots, I would believe. Uncomfortable with publicity and of politics and politicans, in general, like her mother, this young lady seems to be distancing herself, and her family, from the Kennedy clan - her absence from a wedding-to-be for cousin Rory and her televised bicycling displays provides a hint of something, not sure what all of this reveals. I'm trying to imagine, given such a tragedy, that I would dare do the same. Boat rides or brisk walks should suffice during the days of search and recovery of a loved one's body. I'm sure questions will be raised over time.

Trauma relating to loss of a father and her mother's marriage to shipping magnate, Onassis, and his subsequent death, and the male companions her mother sought to comfort her, may have had an impact on daughter Caroline's thinking. The contrast observed between the free spirited Kennedys versus non-politican others. Politicians are generally found out and about, shaking hands with fellow human beings and John John Jr., was of the people. A regular guy, quite amazing. The "sweet sorrow" I feel, is in knowing that he will live on in the mythology of America, Ireland and the World. Rest in Peace.

Politician's of Yore

Irish-born achievers - pre 1922, Partitioned Ireland

American Achievers

American-born - Irish Ancestry

On the Other side of the Pond

"I had the feeling growing up that we Catholics were second class citizens - intuitively I felt that. July 12, which is the biggest Protestant celebration of the year, we'd stay indoors, I could never figure it out ............... It just didn't make sense to me at all."
Actor Liam Neeson, on growing up in Ballymena, Country Antrim, in occupied Ireland.

Imagine that!

Good Buddy is Listening .... Waiting for Bush ... Blame for Time game

Calling a Spade a ... Warned, Shut Up! ... Let's get Outta here

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