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Proddy Capers .. Now, Sept 2001

Deranged Fellow Henry VIII

Erin's Counties


Genocide as defined by the United Nations in 1948 means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, including:

(a) killing members of the group (b) causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group (c) deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part (d) imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group (e) forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

West Awake

Saxon Empire ... It's Logical ... We're British

as like the Tuatha Da Dannan ;) th ee ee ee th ee ee

Profiles in Courage ... Oath, "not a fake, it's Masonic"

Read, KofC site's contents, the oath italicized purporting to be against Masonry is quite the opposite. The attack is on Catholicism - they, who are reluctant to subscribe to aborting practices, is troubling to their world planning.

Emanating from same origin

Scotch-Irish ("we're British"), Brit heros are one with their proud handshaking friends. Friends in very high places, mind you.
I looked at the Klan web site and got a scense of how they came to be. Their symbol of a cross burning is drawn from a fiery cross used in Scottish history. It's truly Masonic to the core. Freemasonry came out of Scotland (Scotia Minor) and passed via the Planted Ones to Ireland (Scotia Major) and is cited as having a 1717 date of origin in England. Its journey to the Americas is set at around the 1760s. Then, it was off to Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and so forth. As to its evolution, it probably began in Europe initially and then it was on to Scotland (Scotia Minor). Books on the subject makes the stretch that it goes to back to Solomon's time, an All Wise One.
"The Klan robe and hood is used for ritual such as is done by Masons." The Queen is their patron, even though she's not eligible to attend the secret male meetings. There are however female lodges, for the ladies.

NJ Welcomes ... How it woiks

Aug 23, 1999 - Mumbo Jumbo words re: IRA, nay focus on their Nobel prize, the Trimble gamer.

"I don't want to give a categorical decision until I have seen all the information that is available from America and the Irish," Mowlam explained to reporters.
"I would like to reserve my judgement until I have full information. I don't want to do a half decision, I would like to leave it to the full," she added.

Playing with the gullible Catholic nationalists is their game.

Wolves in Sheep's clothing

Be Aware - seek truth - forces out and about telling us how to think. Presidents of the US have been Masons save for but one, John Fitzgerald Kennedy. Hope you find the time to understand what's "goin doon" as a Scot might say. Masonic brotherhood notions speak to a One World Order. Notice, how nothing is being done relative to those Chinese money givers to either party. Dig under the covers and you'll find the brothers involvement. Gilman of NY (a Mason) is very much involved in the Irish situation - 'pears to be - who truly knows their modus operandi.

They sent Sen Mitchell (Catholic) to mediate the so-called Irish Peace Agreement (got himself knighted by the British Empire head). Imagine, having a chap accepting a prize from the party that brought about the apartheid insanity in the first place. Beam me up Scotty!

Masons selected and/or obliged to be

A Mason management friend (and sporter of the ring) revealed that it was customery for him to go his lodge to celebrate, each George Washington's birthday. Speakers would talk fondly of the kindness shown to British members, their opposition, when they knew whom they were dealing with. It sounded like a real love-in.
Masons - just a few:
Lindberg, MacArthur, Churchill, Layafette, Emile Zola, Louis Armstrong, Jesse Jackson (I can't recall, humanitarian Jesse, voicing a word on NI, Britain's apartheid statelet), Gene Autry, Henry Ford, FBIman Herbert Hoover, Neil Armstrong 1st man on the moon, George M. Cohan, John Wayne, John Ford, Glenn Ford, John Glenn, Audie Murphy WWII hero, Benedict Arnold .......

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