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We know the Proddy Waltz caper

Papists - Failed Freedom Offer for $bread$

Wednesday March 22 10:21 AM ET Actor Liam Neeson Rejects Award BALLYMENA, Northern Ireland (AP) - Actor Liam Neeson has turned down an award from his hometown, saying it would be ``inappropriate'' to accept given the rancor the honor has generated between local Catholics and Protestants. Neeson, 48, was offered the Freedom of the Borough of Ballymena earlier this month. On Tuesday, he turned down the award because some local politicians from the Democratic Unionist Party, a hardline Protestant party, had voted against it. Party members claimed Neeson made derogatory remarks about growing up in the predominantly Protestant town northwest of Belfast. Neeson was quoted in a U.S. magazine last year as saying he felt ``second class'' as a Catholic. Neeson, best-known for his starring roles in ``Schindler's List'' and ``Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace,'' denied the accusations and said he was proud of Ballymena. ``Although I very much appreciate, and am greatly honored by, the majority decision of Ballymena council to offer me the Freedom of the Borough, I nonetheless believe that it would be inappropriate for me to accept in view of the stated opposition of some members and the resultant controversy,'' Neeson wrote in a statement. In a letter to the city council, he added: ``I will always remain very proud of my upbringing.'' " I regard the enduring support which I have received over the years from all sections of the community in Ballymena as being more than sufficient recognition of any success which I may have achieved as an actor." James Currie, mayor of the County Antrim borough, called the situation "desperately sad." "Ballymena and Northern Ireland have lost out," Currie said. "It would have been a golden opportunity and a terrific boost for tourism. I hope the people who voted against him realize that."

Continuing with superior Looney Tuner

Ian Paisley, another PROTESTOR, a man with a thing, for the Pope. Why do they protest so rabidly. The venom they spew forth is probably due to them having to make THINGS UP as they go along. Just having followed some fools down a wrong path.
Black & Tans ... Them Royals

The Irish Peace agreement - bah! humbug! read on a piece culled from Ian's place.

It would make little sense for thoings such as these to sit with those holding such hellish Antichrist beliefs. Eh! Guv! What can be more than the superiority of which Ian pretends than a people claiming to have been chosen by G-d. Where's Ian? where did he go.

Ian, a man with wisdom unbounded - he, who, looks to Henry VIII

Papal Supremacy - A Refuge Of Lies 'Papal supremacy' is the outcome of 'Papal infallibility'. It is the corrupt fruit of a corrupt tree. By Rev. Kyle Paisley 'Papal supremacy' is the outcome of 'Papal infallibility'. It is the corrupt fruit of a corrupt tree. Claims to supremacy are very wide. It is asserted with regard to both politics and religion. Temporal and spiritual supremacy is the proud boast of Antichrist. The matter of spiritual supremacy is the more serious. The decree of Pope Boniface VIII states: "Temporal authority must be subject to spiritual power." Pius IX, writing to the Emperor of Germany on 7th August, 1873, said: "Every one who has been baptized belongs in some way to the Pope." Lest any ecumenist should say that Rome's position has changed, bear in mind the following excerpts from A Catechism of Catholic Doctrine (Revised edition, 1985): "The Pope is the spiritual father of all Christians. […] The Pope is the Shepherd and Teacher of all Christians." What is this, if it is not a claim to supremacy? Claims to supremacy are not only wide but wicked. They gender deception by turning souls away from Christ to trust in a man, all the while with the belief that this will bring salvation. Isaiah 42:8: "I am the Lord: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another […]." Boniface VIII decreed: "It is necessary for everyone who is to be saved to be subject to the Roman Pontiff"; but Christ said: "I am the way, the truth and the life. No man cometh unto the Father, but by me." The claims to supremacy are wicked because they are an attempt to rob God of His glory. The blasphemous character of this boasted pre-eminence is seen in the divine name the Pope takes to himself. He is called 'Holy Father'. The Council of Pisa described him thus: "The most holy and blessed one […], the Lord of the Universe." The only true and living God will not smile on such arrogance. Isaiah 42:8: "I am the Lord: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another […]." Papal aspirations to supremacy are wrong. They are based upon a wresting of the Scriptures. For example, concerning Christ's words to Peter (who, it is said by Rome, was the first in the line of the Popes) in John 21:15-17: "Feed my sheep. […] Feed my lambs", a most unnatural explanation is given. Rome construes the command as a commission to Peter to take charge of the whole church, pastors and people, whereas the injunction given to him is also given to all pastors: "[…] feed the church of God." (Acts 20:28; 1 Peter 5:2.) Ideas of Papal absolutism have also been advanced by forgeries - for example, the Donation of Constantine, purported to have been written by him and conferring vast privileges on the Church of Rome. It was published for the first time in the middle of the eighth Century. Attached was the fable that it was granted by Constantine on the occasion of his being baptized by Pope Sylvester as a grateful return for his having been cured of leprosy by the baptismal water. The evidence of history proves that Constantine was never afflicted with leprosy and was not baptized until he was on his deathbed. The idea of supremacy is without foundation in Scripture, and since it needs lies to bolster it up it must be refused. The idea of supremacy is without foundation in Scripture, and since it needs lies to bolster it up it must be refused. How tragic it is that so many should remain faithful to the Papal system and instead of looking for Christ alone for salvation look to Rome. The future for those who remain in such a state is awful: "Judgment also will I lay to the line, and righteousness to the plummet; and the hail shall sweep away the refuge of lies […]." (Isaiah 28:17.)