Things for Harley to Remember
1. I am not always hungry
2. Lizards do not eat horses
3. Don’t let other horses take my fly mask off
4. Trailers do not eat horses
5. Don’t expel gas when getting my back hooves cleaned
6. Don’t shake when Mom’s in the saddle
7. Not everyone likes horse kisses
8. The clicker is not food
9. Don’t snarf on Mom when she’s dressed for work
10. Paper rolling down the trail will not kill me
11. Garbage cans are not places for mountain lions to hide
12. Sheath cleaning is for hygienic reasons, not my personal pleasure
13. I am not always the center of attention
14. Pawing the ground is not "cute"
15. People are not face towels
16. I should not let other horses chew my tail
17. I should do my "parade trot" instead of my "earthquake trot"
18. I am very heavy and should not step on anyone’s feet
19. Some horses don’t like to have my nose in their tail "area"
20. The farrier does not enjoy having his butt sniffed
21. "Lion's, Tigers and Bears" is not my theme song.
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