Femme Baites
Hmm, Baites tried on a dress inna chat.. and I drew this for the heck of it. Meet Bria-Na! =D
Sailor Hyper-Activity
Heehee, Crazy and SB gave me the idea, I am Sailor Hyper-Activity! I shall use my boxer confusion attack on you! *throws boxers* =P
Unfinished Raziel
Trying something a little diffrent here, this is that pic of Raziel I did, partialy completed. I scanned it to show a few ppl, thought it might be interesting if you could see a halfway mark.. ok, so sue me, the finished pic is on the other page =P
No need to take a second look, that's Surpin... details are in my fan fic "The Flow of Time", let's just say that he's really really...... not nice. ((c.c;))
Old pic alert =P Done as a project for 10th grade english, on Julius Ceasar (In case you can't read =P But then, why put it here?)
Knuckles Close-Up
Another old pic, from the title page of the Knux comics, done in 97, ne, my coloring has improved. ((o.o))
Chaotix Circle
My first pic of the Chaotix, done way back in 97
Baby Sketch
Awww, isn't he cute? Tis Remington and Sarah-Le's little boy. He and his sis na hatched yet, but they due pretty soon.. like, real soon... *grumble* Cuz I have to leave for college and stuff, should be later, but I may na have the net then.
Here he is again, in full, yet poorly photoshoped, color. Devon be cute, ne? =D
Aww, this is their little girl, has a lot of her dad in her =P
Kay-Le in full color, oOoOOO, ah. =P
Look, a sketch I made of Lara-Su, Knux and Julie-Su's future daughter. Done from an official pic Ken Penders made. If you dun know about Lara-Su, where have you been? She's only been talked about by Knux comic fans for a whole year... ((o.o)) Oh, and those are sun glasses, as for fur color and stuff, Ken hasn't said yet.
I got bored, was inspired by stuff, I make first animation... look, I dance. Two frames, but cool. Need learn better english. =P
This is my sis's char, Laure. My second gif animation. Ne, someday I will learn how to get smooth images =P
Oh no, another pic copied from the comic *gasp* Um.. but colored diffrent I guess. ((o_o))
Angry Vecter
Um, heehee, kinda the same desc ad the last pic, but with a spraypaint BG OoOOOoOOoOOoO
Julie-Su Walking
Old and really big pic.... took three scans to get it all, then I had to piece it togeter.. evil line, couldn't get rid of it ((X_x))
Knuckles Lightning
Three scans on this too, and three mediums. Prisma, spray paint and regular paint. Oh yeah, and one comic book pic =P
Noodles the dragon girl! *watches wings flapflapflap* Heehee, simple amination.. TOOK TOO LONG TO DO!! *twitch* For two frames, a day seems way too long.
My first female Hedgoyle, Natoya. Hmm, need more females of these, guys out number them =P
Sarah the Hedgoyle
Well, I said we needed more.... ((o.o;)) But I didn't mean turn _me_ into one. Ne, I look silly as a hedgoyle ((O_o))
TL Dancing
Heehee, TL, the disco king =P Amazingly, he didn't kill me when he saw this, he died laughing =D
OoOOO, pretty, FIRE! ((*.*)) Heehee, it be Xeroz (future dude) in full color!
Helios, the future Wind Clan Alpha. OoOO, pretty colors.
Commission (Rough)
Rough sketch for a commission I'm working on, and pretty large too, that's cuz my lines were all funny and if I made it smaller they'd get even screwier...... is that even a word? ((O_o)) Anyways, I had to darken it 100%, I draw really lightly. It's a true sketch =P
Zero had an idea for a new demon class, one that hunts echidnoyles. So, I asked if I could design it, I'm rather happy with this, at this point in time he has no name, neither does his class.
T2 Dancing
T2 be dancing now, simple and stuff, had to line all the black in white, cuz I have plans to put this on an all black page =P
This is Yasmina, she's brown and black. I created her cuz SB pointed out the majority of hedgoyles were blue =P
Eh, I got bored and wanted to color this in photoshop, only to find out that by saving it as a gif, I couldn't do neat effects..... so, have fun looking at the poorest coloring job I've done =P
Awww, lookies! Devon is trying to sleep while his sister hatches, Sarah-Le and Remington are watching happily.
Automatic (Comic)
Wheee.. comic thingie, um, looks like Espio can't drive the Dark Legion hover thingies =P
Dragon that I never finished ((o.o))
Art Thumbnails
Heh, a bunch of thumbnails for an art project, lead singer from Everclear, Art.
Remmy got burried under boxes, I showed this to my mom, it's my interpertaion of our attic =P Needless to say, she didn't like it ((O_o))
Ancient Walkers
By the Walkers, I drew the Ancient Walkers! =P
Croc Bot
I drew a bad guy! It's Croc Bot. OooO, fire! That was done with spraypaint =P
Eccentric Amy
Someone's been in the sugar......
Erratic Charmy
He's trapped in a glass box or something ((o.O))
Sarah Flying
Old sketch I found, I'm not too fond of it though
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