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Samantha @ *{[Dreamie Stars]}*
Sarah @ White Daisy
Rianne Marie @ *::Playtime*is*Over::*
Jamie @ Unforgettable
Nora @ ^*Kissed by an Angel*^
Jessica @ Jessica*s Page
Anna Spargo-Ryan @ + crashing
Alexandra @ Blue Snow
Maria @ Purple Reign
Kelly @ r o x y g i r l
Dawn @ Baby Pink
Danielle @ Toes in Wet Sand
Catherine @ +always the sweetest+
Renee @ ::p r e c i o u s L a t i n a::
Kristel @ *Stella's Face in Cyber Space*
Mika @ the special people club
~*jackie*~ @ Jackie's Page!
Sara @ Living in Reality
Sarah @ Beautiful * Stranger
Erin @ ||persnickety||
Samantha @ Fade Away
Jenna @ Simply Sweet
Jenny @ Berry Cute
Lara Zaluski @ Cosmocutie
Kat @ Sparkle
Gabby @ Rainbowskies
Trish @ ~Berry*Licious~
Lisa @ Backstreet Paradise
Krysta Cathey @ Star Palace
Claudia A. @ Rockplayground
Rachel @ Aloha Gurlz

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