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The Mystical Unicorn

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Where his steps come, there comes the spring,
And where he looks, there ice melting
Holds his glance in the newborn streams,
The paragon and lord of dreams.

Whiter he is than mountain snow,
Brighter than sparkling fountain glow,
Lighter than footsteps of the moon,
More delicate than harpers' tune.

Standing in the forest, he looks
As if out of prayers and books.
Effortless grace and wild beauty,
Moonlit impossibility.

Starshadow tail and snowshine mane,
Gleaming neck unbrushed by rein,
His horn the light of fading years
And frozen gems' translucent tears.

On a night as still as thought,
On a breeze from heaven brought,
He pauses with uplifted hoof,
Like a light cast from the world's roof.

A creation of crystal fire,
A note played on the starry lyre,
Of wind and sealit shadow born,
The legend's child, the unicorn.

Poem by Keri Stevenson

Once upon a time, the land was very still
And there was a unicorn guarding every hill
This unicorn was magical and also very pure
He protected all the good and loved them, I am sure

Evil now had seemed to pass, but only for a time
Soon the Prince Of Darkness would be laughing in his prime
He sent his fearless goblins; fearless being jest
to kill the lovely unicorn, his mind to put at rest

These ugly little goblins, of love they'd never heard
Only hate lived in their hearts, all good they thought absurd
All they really knew was of evil and of death
They'd kill that do-good unicorn and hear his last breath

The good that he protected would have to learn to fight
To save the lovely unicorn and everything that's right
So they joined their forces and the weapons they had made
To fight the Prince Of Darkness, never more to be afraid

Long and hard they fought him, never would they give in
Until the Prince Of Darkness had paid his every sin
They banished him forever, to an evil darkened land
For now he would be held there, by the good that took a stand

Poem by Tammy L. Campbell

