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Harry Potter

"These people will never understand him! He'll be famous - a legend - I wouldn't be surprised if today was known as Harry Potter Day in future - there will be books written about Harry - every child in our world will know his name!"

- Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone


Yep, I fell into the craze, too, though I was relatively early on - I bought the first book two weeks before Christmas 1998. Three weeks later I bought the second, and then had to wait months for the third to come out in paperback. Needless to say, after that I never bothered waiting, even if hardback cost me a fortune.

I don't know why I love the books so much, but I do. There's just something that makes reading them so wonderful. I entered the HP fandom in August 2001 after months of drifting around the edges. This is actually the longest I've ever spent in a fandom, and I have no plans to leave it soon; I've made some wonderful friends in it.

HP was the first fandom I entered being fully converted to slash (homosexual relationships). None of the heterosexual relationships interested me, except for background couples. I had a vague interest in Harry/Draco (I mean, who didn't know about that couple?), but my favourite character from the books was Snape, so I went to see what couples featured him.

I stumbled across Telanu's 'Tea' series by complete accident. After an initial reaction of "Harry and SNAPE? What is she on?" I sat down and started reading. It made an impression - a big impression. I found JayKay's 'Too Wise to Woo Peaceably' from another browsing spree... and the rest is history, as they say.

Legacy of Old
NC-17 | Harry/Snape | angst, depression, darkness

R | Draco/Blaise | violence, darkness

I Wanted to Believe
PG-13 | Harry/Draco | Character death, darkness, angst

PG-13 | Harry/Draco | slight violence, strangeness

Fool Me
PG-13 | Harry/Snape | fluff

Look Beyond the Veil
PG-13 | Harry POV | angst, drama, darkness

Climbing the Wall
PG-13 | Harry/Draco | angst, darkness, violence

Sensual Physical
R | Any couple | Vague sexual details, romance, lust

PG-13 | Draco/Harry | Character death, darkness

R | Harry/Draco | slight sap

PG-13 | Harry/Draco | character death, angst

PG-13 | Harry/Draco | angst, darkness

Beyond the Barriers
NC-17 | Harry/Draco | angst, darkness



