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Disclaimer: Not mine. Oh no. If it was, this would probably be in the books!


Sensual Physical

It rolls through his veins in a heady sensation of fear, pleasure and feeling, making breath burst from his lungs in gasps that nearly make him choke. Light seems to sparkle behind his eyelids in a kaleidoscope of colour, exploding again and again. Part of him suspects he should be afraid of what’s happening, but the rest of him can’t find the energy or need to feel fear. All he wants is for it to never, ever end.

Feeling crawls along his skin in a caress that makes him shudder as his muscles spasm. Too much, too soon, and he loves it. Back arches as the caresses turn into firm kneading: rubbing and pinching sending him into a frenzied, uncontrollable desire.

His head bends to his; dark hair brushes against his cheek. “I want to hear you beg. I want to hear you scream.”

“Please. Oh, Merlin, please. Don’t stop. Oh, don’t stop.” At any other time he would have been ashamed to hear himself beg, but the sensations — the cravings — all make this too much, and all he can do is beg.

A low chuckle fills the air. “I can’t hear you.”

He says the first thing that comes to mind: “Bastard.”

Another chuckle.

He’s dimly aware of everything intensifying to a level that will surely drive him mad, aware that he’s probably already insane, aware that he seems to be hallucinating. Really, he doesn’t care. All he wants is more.

“More. Please. More.”

Brief kiss on his sweat-soaked temple. “As you wish.”

More sensations. Hands claw the sheets as his back arches painfully, but can’t stop. Legs spread. Cock fondled harder. Writhing, begging, writhing. More — more — more!

In, out, sensation, moans, harder, more. Skin, sweat, grinding, in, out, friction, more, NOW! Yes, yes, yes. Groans drift in the air, as the temperature rises again.

It fizzes in his veins like sparkling wine. He can’t bear the thought of it stopping. Ever.

Hair brushes against his cheek again. Voice in his ear: “I want you to scream.”

He bucks; he’s so close, so close, yes yes yes, don’t stop, in out, harder, YES!

“Scream for me!”

He obeys.

The air itself seems to hum, as does it in his veins: Hiiisssss....


Harry Potter