Name: Deborah Lynn Kennedy (No relation to that guy Marilyn Monroe sang "Happy Birthday Mr. President" to.)
Age: 20 and still can't go to a bar!
Favorite Jeopardy Category: Potent Potables
Major: Art. No, English. No, wait a minute, Art. No, English. (In that order!)
What Got Me Hooked on Sunset Beach: The illustrious Cole Deschanel
My Progression to an Antonio & Gabi fan:
Why I Loved Them to Pieces: Theirs was a "friendship that caught fire." For the comedy, for the hands of fate, for the hope.
Thing to a Neptune Experience: Being trapped on a
whalewatching ship with 82 seasick high school freshmen.
Closest Thing to a "Dana" Experience: I got into a bike accident when I was 12 and had short-term memory loss. All in all, I ended up with a concussion and a "Missing Five Hours." Mom made flashcards.
Closest Thing to a Rosario Experience: One time I had to return a video to Blockbuster by midnight, or I'd get a late fee. ( Bwa ha!! You thought I was gonna say become decrepit and mummified, didn't you?)
Closest Thing to a Cave-In Experience: Not even close!
You Be Surprised to Know I'm: an amusement park weenie and a karoke freak.
Favorite Bands: Blues Traveler, (LOVE those guys!) Live, Alice in Chains, anything 80's!
Will I Ever Stop Making 80's References: Outlook not so good. And I still want that racecar bed from "Silver Spoons!"
Crush from the Past: Simon the Chipmunk
Affect on Life: Have always liked nerds.
Celebrities (Well, sort of!) I've Met: KISS (Before the whole full-makeup revival...they were technically uncool at the time!) Extreme (the "More than Words" guys) the cast of MTV'S "The State."
"Massive Mistakes" I Would Change in my Life: None...because they all somehow led up to being here right now... making this archive of my soul!