He Likes It, He Really Likes It!
Although Leo remains invisible, his portrayer--none other than David Matthiessen himself--is among us, and has visited my page!! This is what his fan-mail to ME had to say!
Click here if you think I'm making this up.
Hah-hah! That's right. You can keep clicking there ALL day, but this is true!
Hi, I used to play a rich slick fool named Leo Deschanel on that gosh darned soap S.B. and I've got to tell you when I stumbled upon your "Tribute to Leo" page.....I laughed my stomach inside out!! I love the Disappearance Theories it killed me dead! Your sense of the odd and mysterious on your site had me riveted to see what was next (Sweet Japanimation too)!!!
Thank You Sooooooooooooooooooo much for this &*#$%% cool imaginative original Tribute. Peace and Heatlh be with You. David Matthiessen.
And there you have it! So, once I stopped bounding over the furniture, I just had to post this on my page! So watch out, all you Webheads....the stars are out there. :-)