Simon's Items
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Simon's Items

Item Picture Location Use Price
Dracula's Rib Berkely Mansion *Blocks projectiles Free
Dracula's Heart Rover Mansion *Show to River Man Free
Dracula's Eyeball Brahm Mansion *Lets you see hidden clues Free
Dracula's Nail Bodley Mansion *Lets your whip break bricks Free
Dracula's Ring Laruba Mansion *Unknown Free
Laurel Some towns and Laruba M. Invincibility 50 Hearts
Silk Bag Sadam Woods Cemetery Lets you carry more Laurels 1 Garlic
Garlic Many Towns Weapon and summons spirits 50 Hearts
Magic Cross Laruba Mansion Strengthens Holy Water Kill Carmilla
White Crystal Color White Jova See floating platform in Berkely M. 50 Hearts
Blue Crystal Color Blue Aljiba Lets you go beneath lakes Trade white crystal
Red Crystal Aldran Summons spirit at Deborah Cliff Trade blue crystal
Oak Stake All mansions Breaks mansion crystals 50 Hearts
Holy Water Jova Breaks special bricks 50 Hearts
*These are the special uses. Not the obvious ones!

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