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Welcome to the Audioscopes of Art Webring!

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This Audioscopes of Art site owned by Your Name Here.

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(The midi is your choice--whatever sounds good to you or whatever is already on your page!)

This ring was created by and consists solely of WebTV users. Each site in this ring showcases audioscopes at all different skill levels from beginner to advanced. It is appropriate for all ages so whether you're just getting started or an old pro, come check out these sites! They are guaranteed to dazzle you!

If you are interested in joining our ring, please click here.

After completing the join form, you will then receive (via e-mail) a copy of the html fragment that you will need to place on your web page. Once you have placed the html fragment on your page, you will need to mail me at so that I may add you to the ring.

Edit Your Site?

Should you need to edit your site info (change password, description, keywords, etc) you may do so by clicking here and entering your site ID and password. You will also find a copy of YOUR CUSTOMIZED HTML fragment here.

C'mon and join! We look forward to having you!