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Alissa Mari

This page is about me... Not the "sick" me but the REAL me. Not my "sick" life but my REAL life.

This is from some of those surveys we all get constantly! =)

Name: Alissa Mari
Birthday: 1*20*83
Location: North Dartmouth, Massachusetts
School: UMass Dartmouth
Pets: none
Siblings: Kaiti, Holly, and Chris (all younger)
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: yes, John =) Eye color: brown... golden brown
Hair color: dark brown, very curly!
Grade: 2nd year student at UMD...
Hobbies: working out (tae bo, yoga, running), club meetings, art, writing, reading, researching, Internet, hanging out, and other "stuff"
Nicknames: Ali, Ali Cat
Sports: I love most sports but unfortunately don't have the time to play on a team right now! Are you a night or a morning person? night
Do you believe in God? with all my body, all my mind, all my heart, and all my soul
What do you want to be when you grow up? not sure... I'm a psychology major, I might double-major in graphic design
What was the worst day of your life? There have been a lot... usually involving the words "patient assessment" or "Campus Police" or "Call the ambulance"!
What comes first in your life? God... at least that's what I strive for!
What are you most scared of? myself... messing up, disappointing people, relapsing, hurting someone (not physically -- psychologically...), heights, wide open spaces and anything really big, boring people (as in making them bored... I'm not afraid of people who are boring LOL), scaring people
Who knows all your secrets? no one knows ALL of them -- a lot of people know some of them and some people know a lot of them
Favorite movie: don't know, I don't watch a lot of movies
Favorite song: "Iris" (Goo Goo Dolls), "Always" (Saliva), "Beautiful" (Creed), and a ton of others...
Favorite band/singer: ummmm... System of a Down, NIN, Metallica, Our Lady Peace, Third Eye Blind, DC Talk, Train, Three Doors Down, Fuel, OC Supertones, Goo Goo Dolls, Incubus, Sarah McLachlan, Jewel, Faith Hill, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Creed, Switchfoot, Aerosmith... I like everything
Favorite store: WalMart!!!
Favorite vacation spot: Mexico, Ogunquit ME
Car: black Saturn... which has been dented (my mom backed into it in the driveway) and covered in bumper stickers!
Favorite class: electronic imaging
Favorite holiday: Ash Wednesday (OK that's not exactly a holiday but oh well), Lent, and Easter
Favorite color: red
Like to give hugs? definitely
Like to walk in the rain? run, not walk =) and not at UMass, there are too many puddles
Have a job? tutor at the Writing and Reading Center
Like to travel? love it!
Have stuffed animals? Not as many as I used to
Abortion: I am VERY against it... "Save the baby humans!"... "If abortion is the answere then I don't understand the question!" etc... Abortion is murder, adoption is an option... I actually won 2nd place in a Pro-Life essay contesta year or two ago
Tattoos: none
Piercings: I have ears pierced... 8 holes...
Silver or gold? silver
Chocolate or flowers? flowers... daffodils
Angels or miracles? both
Sunrise or sunset? sunset... I'm never awake for the sunrise!
M&M’s or Skittles? neither, I don't like that stuff
Rap or Rock? rock, but I'll listen to both
Stay up late or sleep in? stay up late
TV or radio? TV... unless I'm driving ;-)
Hot or cold? hot
Diamond or Ruby? Diamond
10 acquaintances or 1 best friend? a few close friends
Vanilla or chocolate? depends
Kids or not? kids if it works out that way... otherwise I'll probably have foster/adopted kids
Cat or dog? I guess dog? cats are great too though...
Half empty or half full? some is gone but there's still some left, so I suppose half-full... How about this one: HAPPINESSISNOWHERE.
Spring or fall? spring because every fall for the last 4 years has been horrible!
Give or receive? give
Rain or snow? snow
Sneakers or sandals? sneakers, I like to run!
McDonalds or Burger King? vegetarian... and I hate fast food...
A house in the woods or the city? city -- I love the city!
Pepsi or Coke? neither, I hate soda
Nike or ADIDAS? I don't care
What do you look for in a guy? funny, smart, sensitive, honest, respectful, considerate, fun, active, nonconforming, nonjudgemental
Smart or Athletic guys? both
Favorite book/author: The Giver & Number the Stars ~ both by Lois Lowry; The Sound and the Fury (William Faulkner)...
Favorite subject (i.e. math, english etc): art, psychology
Black or white? black... or gray...
Journal or diary? neither, I don't write lately...
Movies or TV? TV... I enjoy commercials... especially the angry gumball one!
Internet or telephone? internet!
Loud or quiet? quiet
Are you adventurous? sometimes
Are you claustrophobic? yes but I'm more afraid of wide open spaces
Are you responsible? yes
Are you independent? yes
Are you shy? not really...
Do you eat meat? no ~ lactoveg=no meat, poultry, fish, eggs, etc.
Do you drive? yes
Play an instrument? piano... I used to play flute and violin
Favorite Number(s): 13, 23, 26, 7
Favorite toothpaste: any and all - I like clean teeth!
Most annoying thing is: TV, people saying they understand when they don't, people trying to fix things for me when they have no control over it, messing up, people blaming X when Y's the culprit, having psychiatric disorders!
Best thing: helping people... running, listening to music... going to church... reading a really good poem, learning something new...
Last updated 17 April 2003.

Feel free to email me if you want to know anything else!