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About Me</head>
About Me

You may call me Jenifer Sara, and I live in a very cold place. I play the French Horn in one of the best high school ensembles in the country. My favourite Mac song is the live version of "Rhiannon."

Right now, I'm working on getting my friend to let me use her scanner so I can put my Mac-Art on the site. But she's a pain, and I'm still trying. Wish me luck!

Now, please e-mail me on the subject of the Mac ever touring again. I haven't gotten many, and it is extremely aggrevating when you are trying to maintain a page that rides on input from others. All you have to do is click on the scroll if you want to e-mail me..

I hope that you have enjoyed your visit, and shall return at a future date, as I am always adding new things. Thank you very much.

Have a Mac-ish Day!,
Jenifer Sara

Learn More About the French Horn

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