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Post One
By: Lissy

The forest was silent. No birds chirped, no squirrels chattered. The elf stepped through the underbrush, her footsteps silent even though she walked on the freshly fallen dried leaves. Her dagger was drawn and her scimitar swung gently at her waist as she stepped through the brush, stalking...something.
Stopping, she bent down and examined the ground. Her brows knitting together, she frowned, and looked around. The tracks ended three. Peering closer, she took in the angle of the prints and smirked.
Standing, she scanned the forest, silently, then glanced up at the tress....and was knocked down. Twisting around under the weight of her attacker, she strikes up with her dagger. The attacker blocked with it's own dagger.
The elf dropped her dagger and placed her hands on her attacker's shoulders, pushing him back slightly, and kicking him off. As he was pushed back, he struck at her with his dagger, drawing a line of blood across her forearm.
Getting up, he smirked and reached down to help her up. Shaking her head, she picked up her dagger and pulled herself to her feet.
"I'll give you this for a win-this time," she said.
He smirked. "I won fair and square."
She glowered at him. "I know. Now shut your mouth, Brice'Adem Rand."
Rand grinned. "You always were a sore loser, Tacita."
She arched her brow. "I don't lose often, Rand, and you know it."
Pulling a handkerchief from her pocket, she wrapped her arm. He nodded and wiped his dagger on the dead leaves, then slipped it back in his belt.
"Just think, Rand, now you can gloat about me losing to your ego."
His blue eyes twinkled sightly and he winked, reaching forward and tucking a stray strand of her red hair behind her pointy ear and smiled softly. She blushed and blinked suddenly.
Her ears twitched and his did as well at the sound of voices. She moved away from him and pulled the sleeves of her shirt down, to hide the cut on her arm. Her gossamer wings fluttered slightly in the breeze. His did the same. They slipped behind a tree, blending into the forest.
Two elves came forward. The female was a foot and a half taller than Rand, who stood four inches taller than Tacita's 3'8". The elf's light brown hair and emerald eyes shimmered in the sunlight. The male elf was an inch taller than the female. Tacita glanced at Rand and arched her brow, mouthing, "High Elves."
He shrugged, grinned mysteriously, and slipped off, Vanishing into the forest. Tacita's brow furrowed slightly and she grinned as she saw a wave from behind the High Elves. Vanishing behind the tree, she watched.
The High Elves stopped. They were arguing.
"It is wrong, brother."
"No. All will be well. A wizard in control will be good for magic."
The female frowned and shook her head. "I Sensed it."
He frowned. "You wasted strength on Sensing? You know, Nikita, that the future is never certain."
"I know...But I don't' like Bastiaan. He is...different from other wizards. And you know about the way magic has been acting lately. Only the fairies have not had trouble."
He nodded. "I know. That is true. But still..."
She shook her head and was tapped on the shoulder. She spun. There was no one there. Tacita stifled a giggle. The male elf spun at a tap on his shoulder.
He shook his head and glanced at Nikita. "Fairies are about," he said, softly.
"I figured as much. Ack! Foolish elves. Never think about anything but their tricks."
Tacita stifled another giggle as she saw a pail of water floating in mid-air. The elves didn't notice. And then Rand was visible. He wore a look of incredulity and the two High Elves spotted him.
"Ah ha! We're going to take you to your elder," Nikita said.
The male elf grabbed hold of him and smirked. Rand blinked and Tacita's eyes widened as she realized her skin was the right color again. The High Elves didn't notice her when they led Rand past.
They're taking the long way, she thought.
Taking to the trees, she scurried along, taking a more direct route.
"Mei'Nyx Tacita Lena'Rai d'Shrow! Where have you been?"
Tacita stopped in mid-stride. " was in the forest, tracking."
Her mother arched her eyebrow slightly. Tacita blushed and pulled her sleeve up.
"Sorry, Mother. It's only a scratch. First nick wins. It's not like we're trying to kill each other."
"Who was it?"
Tacita shuffled her feet and dug her toe into the dirt. "Brice'Adem Rand Cal'Bae al'Mon."
Her mother sighed. "You need to stay away from him, Tacita. Next thing you know, he'll be making a wreath."
Tacita's head shot up and her eyes widened. She blushed fiercely. "We're just friends, Mother!"
Her mother arched her brow and sighed. "Of course, dear. Now, where were you rushing off to?"
"Ummm. A couple of High Elves are bringing Rand to Elder."
She blinked. "He knows better than to play his tricks on the High Elves! Elder's not going to be happy with him."
"I know. I thought I would come to warn Elder. The Highs are not happy at all!"
"Would you be?"
Tacita shook her head.
"I'll go with you," her mother said.
The Elder nodded silently to Tacita and her mother, when the door burst open. The two High Elves and Rand strode into the room. Tacita and her mother moved off to the side.
"Elder, this one was playing tricks," Nikita said.
"Was he?" the Elder asked.
"Yes. I demand something be done about him."
"I shall deal with it. Good day," the Elder said, curtly.
The Highs arched their brows slightly, bowed very slightly and strode out of the room, stopping for the door. With a devilish smile, the Elder winked and cast a spell. The Highs jumped as tiny pins Pricked their bottoms. They spun and narrowed their eyes at the four fairies. Shaking their heads, they slipped out the door.
Tacita giggled. The Elder glanced at her and she straightened her face Rand swallowed.
"You know better than to bother the Highs, Brice'Adem Rand."
"I am sorry, Elder."
"Two days confined to your house. You will explain to your mother what you did."
"Yes, Elder."
"Go now." Rand nodded and slipped silently out of the room, his wings drooping with shame. The Elder turned to Tacita and her mother.
"Cyn'Devi Amaris, you may go. Mei'Nyx Tacita Lena'Rai d'Shrow, I wish to speak with you." The last part was in a serious tone. Amaris and Tacita blinked, exchanging glances.
Amaris bowed her head and slipped out, her wings fluttering slightly. Tacita watched her go and then glanced at the Elder. He stood and motioned for her to follow him. Her ears twitching slightly, she followed him. He stopped at a door in the back of the house. Glancing at her, he stepped aside and motioned her to open it.
She tried. The door was locked. She looked at him helplessly. He nodded her to proceed. Frowning she turned back to the door. Slipping her mithril dagger from her belt, she slipped it between the door and the wall. Suddenly the dagger heated up and she dropped it to the ground. Shaking her hand, she glowered.
"I can't get it!"
"You are who I seek. Now try it again. Figure it out. Think it through before you act, young one."
Frowning, Tacita looked back at the door.
Metal heats when used. Pushing and pulling does nothing, she thought. Hmmm. Perhaps...
Vanishing, she cast one of her harder spells, one of the few she knows. Touching the doorway, she pushed through it, the particles of her body forcing their way through the grain of the wood, being careful not to distort the wood. Push was a harder spell to cast as it took a lot of concentration. She stood on the other side of the door for a moment. Finally, she glanced around.
The room was lit, to her relief and surprise. However, the light was a light blue. Oddly enough there were no shadows, no matter where she moved. The saying, "Where there is light, there are shadows," did not hold here.
In the middle of the room was a single pedestal, the only furniture in the room. Floating above it was a black cloak. The cloak was bathed in a golden light, contrasting with the light blue of the room.
Without thinking, Tacita stepped towards the pedestal. The ground caved in and she fell. Twisting frantically and fluttering her gossamer wings, she clutched the edge of the hole and hauled herself up onto the steady floor.
Pressing her back to the wall, she clutched her chest, catching her breath. Taking a deep breath, she peered over the edge. Her eyes widened.
Far below was a large cave and in the cave was a pool of molten lava. Thanking the gods for her quick reflexes, she studied the floor. There were tiles with letters carved on them. Cocking her head slightly, she nodded to herself.
"Of course. Now...what do I spell out?"
Blinking, a story came back to her. It told of a young male fairy coming across a room with a black, golden lit cloak floating over a pedestal. Letters surrounded the pedestal and he had to spell a name out. A single name, four little letters. Taking a deep breath, she stepped onto the letter "v". Shifting her 80 pounds onto the tile, she searched for the next letter. Stepping on the "e" two tiles away was harder than it seemed. Stretching her short leg as far as it would go, she just barely made it. She shifted and stood on the "e". Breathing a sigh of relief, she saw the "d" four tiles to the right. Drawing a deep breath, she jumped, landing on the tile with one foot, her other foot knocking out the "o" beside it. Her wings fluttered as she fought to keep her balance. Shifting her ill-placed foot, she managed to stand on the edge of the "d" tile. Shifting slightly once more, she stood in the center.
She looked for the last letter. Her eyes widened. Right around the pedestal was the letter "a". It encircled the base of the pedestal and she sighed as she mentally figured out the distance.
"Fifteen feet! Not even a High could jump that!"
Shuffling carefully to the back of the tile, she ran the two steps of the tile and jumped. Her wings fluttering violently to carry her over the space, she landed on the edge of the tile, her feet landing on the tile in front of it. The rock crumbling beneath her weight, she clutched the stable tile with all her strength, the rock falling to land in the molten lava. Looking down, she swallowed, then looked up, not allowing images of the lava getting closer to her.
Hauling herself up, she hugged the pedestal and took a deep breath. Reaching up to take the cloak, she fell...
Opening her eyes, Tacita blinked one, two times and waited for the pain to reach her brain. That was the only way she'd know she was still alive.
The pain hit. Gasping as it shot up her side and through her lungs, she moaned slightly. Moving didn't hurt so bad, she realized, when she started to sit up.
Then she realized she was wearing the cloak, she couldn't sit up, and she was not alone. It all just hit her suddenly. She blinked...
Flames burned all around her. She was walking on fire and it wasn't hot. She wore the black cloak and nothing else. She blushed - especially when she saw the man standing in front of her. He was human and a wizard. His hair was grey and his beard long and knotted. He held a staff and was as naked as she, except for a medallion around his neck. At least she had something to cover herself with. He was in the midst of a spell casting. His eyes opened, suddenly. Flames burned in his black eyes. Tacita gasped and blinked...
The Elder stood before her, she still wore the cloak. He nodded to her questioning look.
"You are safe now," he said.
"That was Bastiaan, wasn't it?" she asked, breathlessly.
"Yes. And you are who the cloak bade me find. It will be worn by one only. It...tolerated me for the time. I wore it once..." He blinked. "But it is yours or you are it's, one can never tell with magical things. You must go and soon, Mei'Nyx Tacita."
She blinked, digesting it all. "Yes, you are right. I must go. Farewell and thank you, Elder."
"Go in peace and may your sword be blessed."
She smiled, somewhat sadly and slipped away.
Tacita entered the inn, the hood of her cloak pulled down low, her weapons hid by the cloak. Appearing as probably a mere child to the innkeeper and it's patrons, she slipped up to the innkeeper and handed him a piece of gold.
"A room for the night and a hot meal," she said softly, though the innkeeper, heard her above the din of the crowd.
He nodded, recognizing a rich, if rather short, woman when he saw one. She took a seat near the fire in the corner, musing to herself as she waited for her food.