Geminis Are Kewl!!

    Hi!! Welcome to GAK, a club for Geminis!!  This is a new club that Genny and Chelsea started.  My name is Harmony, I make the home page for the club and am a member!!  This club is new, so there isn't much to do here yet, but there will be soon, I promise.  If you are a Gemini, please join the club by sending your name, Club name, age, and birthday to me!!  I will add your name to the members list ASAP.

    We want everyone to enjoy this web site, Geminis or not.  Please remember that this page is for everyone, but you must be a Gemini to join the club!!  Everyone is special in their own way, and everyone is invited to this page!!

    Please click here to see a list of members!!


    Click here if you want to join the club!!!

    All members can go to the Member's Area, where all of the activities for members only take place.  You can not participate in the club activities unless you are a member!!

See Your Horoscope!!

To contact us (leaders of the club), use the following e-mails: (Chelsea, president of club) (Genny, vice-president of club) (Harmony, web master)

Please sign the guestbook before you leave!!

Read my Dreambook!
Sign my Dreambook!


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