GAK: Members Only!!!!

Hi!! Considering the fact that you're here, you must be a member!  I hope you enjoy the club! The three of us (Chelsea, Genny, and Harmony) have been working really hard to make this a great site for you!!  We have several things for you to do, and are working on more.  If you would like to see something added to this page, please e-mail me!!!  I hope you enjoy the club!!

Things to do:

Sign up for a job!!

Send in an article for the magazine!!

Enter the contest!!

What jobs are already taken, and who are they taken by?

The points page!!

The Links Page!!!
We have our own chat room!!!
Add chat to your web site with
the Chat @ Talk City program

A note to members- All members please sign up for a job, particularly one that has to do with the magazine!! I really want to get this magazine started up, so if there is any way you think you could help, please sign up for a job above. Thanks!!

Well, that's pretty much all we have right now.  Remember, this is a brand new club and we are still working on it. Any questions, comments, or suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated!!  Please send them to one of the e-mail addresses on the main page of the club.  GEMINIS RULE!!!!


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