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Fragglerook Barracks

Casex's Barracks

Silver dragon Razeds

Female cocker spaniel Umalum

In your quest for some further information on the Nest of Fragglerook you head to the deepest and most quiet end of the honeycombed caverns of Cayport to where you know the library to be. You pull open the maple door and enter the library instantly noticing the light dry air. The atmosphere is so thin that you swoon lightheadly. Regaining your composure you look around making sure noone had seen your unsteadyness. Oddly however theres not a soul in sight. Oh well you think and began leafing through som large leatherbound books. After skimming through some dull info on grubs you here a deep growling.


Spinning around you see a very defensive looking dog. Instead of scared silly however the tiny dog comes off as being endearing as it's entirely too small to ever do any damage.

"What are you ding here pooch?"

"Actually her names Umalum"

Looking up you see a young teenage girl with her hair tied tightly up in a thong, "Oh hello I didn't know anyone else was here."

"Thats okay. I'm the official Cayport historian so I live in a little appartment off the library. Were you looking for anything in particular?"

"Well I was looking for some info on Fragglerook."

At the sound of the word Fragglerook the girl gets a far off misty look in her eyes, "Ahh Fragglerook. Yes actually the best place for information on the Nest would be at Rookery Beastcastle they have an extensive amount of books on the subject. And dragons they have excellent books on dragons."

"Really? Actually that might be a good idea I need to head there anyways to pick up a Runner," and with you bid her goodbye.

Historian's Name Casex Leca
Gender Female
Age 16 Reelays
Birth Place Cayport Seacastle
Dragon Status Silver Razeds
Dragon's Mate None
Pet Status Tricolor Umalum

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