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Fragglerook Barracks

J'ai's Barracks

True Blue, loyal dragon

Noble Bronze, very politeSilly Blue, can be rude

It was a festive day at Fragglerook Nest. It was Festival day! Ribbons strung from poles danced in the wind and music could be heard at every turn. Rows of crafting booths sold goods specially made for this grand day. Walking down the worn dirt path you smell the smokey scent of roost herdbeast. Following your nose around the corner you find the source. It was coming from one of the many large eating tents set up around the hold. Walking up, you wait in line to purchase some of the meat. The young man in front of you has two firelizards atop his shoulders. Both of you order the same thing and your food comes at the same time. Reaching into your pocket for some coins you're horrified to find none. Looking about in fright you mutter, "I'm sorry but I can't pay, I think my money has been stolen!" The cook looks at you indifferently and pulls back the food. "Hold that just a sec," the yound man saids, "Here let me pay" Generously he counts out the correct amount and pays the cook. Grabbing your plate he motions for you to follow. You both sit down at a table under the tent where you're shaded from the hot sun. "Here you go," he smiles passing your plate over. Quite stunned at his kind act you query, "Thankyou so much. Shoot! I can't believe my money was stolen! I'm very grateful to you..." you pause allowing him to supply his name. "Its J'ai" "Well Thank you J'ai!" and you tell him your own name. Nibbling at your food you savor the juicy meat when a blue flit jumps onto the table and begins to sniff at your food. "Memrey! Stop that you silly thing. I'm sorry, Memrey's not as well behaved as Niar here," he points to the bronze, quietly preening on his shoulder, "Here buddy," he adds slipping some of his own food down the hungry blue's gaping mouth. "Where did you get them? I haven't had the oppertunity to impress a drace, ever," you question, hoping he can tell you where to get your own. "Well these two are from a clutch a friend of mine had." A little disapointed you sag back into your chair and finish of the food. Noticing your disapointment he starts, "But..." you straighten up a little at this word, "I do know of a place where theres often wild flit clutches waiting to be found." "Really? Do tell, where?" He gives you directions. Happily you promise to visit there soon. As you continue conversing you also discover that he is a rider of Fragglerook but as a pastime he's selling pottery for his family who needs to money. After J'ai and you have finished your meals and he invites you to come to his booth at the Gather. Politely you decline but promise to visit soon and repay him for his kindness.

Blue Riders Name J'ai Cinhonor
Age 17 Reelays
Gender Male
Birth Place Egyptia Castle
Dragon Status Blue Lastleds
Dragons Mate None
Pet Status Bronze Nair and Blue Memrey

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