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GoldenEye FAQ

Answers to some Frequently Asked Questions

1. Mayday & Oddjob. There are many rumors that Mayday and Oddjob are in single player, they are NOT, I believe that they were one in the game but only in the BETA version of the game, the BETA version of the game is the same game, in draft mode if you will, it was never relesed.
2. Tower in dam. All of you would have noticed the mysterious tower on the other side of the lake off the dam wall, this also has no purpose, it did in the BETA version of the game and Bond was to access it via boat, the boat was taken out of the game but the tower remains, I have still no proof to get there, but there is a door on the floor in the first guard house with the officer in it, mabey this has something to do with it.
3. The blue vent. As you all would have noticed the blue vent in the silo, you cannot reach this no matter what, there is a funny thing to do that proves it has no purpose: swithch on grenade lnchrs of rocket lnchrs and fire one into the vent, you'll see smoke from both sides.
4. Ourumov's breifcase & keycard If you kill Ourumov in the Silo you'll notice he drops a breifcase and keycard, these have no purpose but I think they did in the BETA version, they were a 00 agent Objective, but you would have noticed that the KF7 can't kill him, and that was the strongest gun in that level.
5. All Bonds, this is another cheat that doesn't exist, it did in the BETA version, and there is proof, go to the instruction booklet on pg. 21 you should see a picture of Sean Connery in the character select screen, though you cannot see his whole face you can tell it's not Brosnan, also on pg. 20 there is a picture of a 4 player death match, Connery is the guy in the white tux. There is a supposed possible way to get it, :you must have all cheats but can't use them, turn 007 mode to 200%, 100%, 100%, 100% and go to the Aztec Complex and beat it in under 9:00 virtually impossible, people say it's a april fools joke by the EGM magazine, "Ask Dan" from says it's a lie, but go with what you believe. I've tried it and it's virtually impossible, 00 Agent is hard enough.
6. If you knew how many bloody emails I got a day, you wouldn't ask that question. "So, how many do you get?" I get like 20 on a bad day, and 10 on a good day. Look, I try to respond if I can. The Webmaster.