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The Weapons


1.The PP7, this gun is a very versatile weapon, it can be fitted with a sliencer for covert missions, plus it also has one of the most accurate shots in the game, note that the unsilenced version produces a more accurate shot.

2.The DD44 Dostovei, a great gun, although it can't be fitted with a silencer it is still effective. People say it's really powerful, I don't think this, it is just as strong as the PP7 in all categories, except that it has a 8-shot magazine.

3.The Klobb is the most pathetic gun in the whole game, it has a fast firing rate, but the bullets don't hurt the enemys. You'll have to pump about 1 magazine of a klobb to kill a guy in 00 agent. Don't use this gun as it normally brings more enemys to your door step.

4.This is a great gun, one of the fastest fireing rates in the game, about 6.5 bullets per second. Has great man stopping power but it's very loud.

5. & The D5K Deutsche is a very good gun, very versatile and powerfull. It can be fitted with a silencer for covert missions. The only problem is that the sound of it makes me get annoyed, from having to do the Control so MANY times on 00 agent.

6.The Phantom is pretty crappy. It is very loud and innaccurate. It has the 2nd largest magazine of all guns, that being 50 bullets to a clip. But it has one strong point, it's VERY strong, as strong as the AR33!

7..The US AR33 Assault Rifle, the best gun in the game by far. People say the RC-P90 is; this is not so. The AR33 has about a 9 bullet per second firing rate, huge bullets, a scope and can shoot through all the same objects an RC-P90 can. It's downside is the small magazine, that being 30 bullets per clip.

8.The RC-P90 is the 2nd most best gun in the game. It has the fastest firing rate of about 9.5 bullets per second, the largest magazine, that being 80 bullets per clip, plus it has the power of an auto chaingun. It has no scope which is the real only downside to this gun. This is a pic of the real life "RC-P90" really called a P90, in goldeneye the stats are pulled a bit like it's only got a 50 bullet mag instead of 80. Doesn't it look awesome!????

9.The Grenade Launcer is the best "missle bearing" guns in the game. You have heaps more control of where you want the explosion to be. You just have to become familiar with the way it operates. This is a lobbing instrument, not a shooting one, so become good with the grenade launcher, it'll grant you plenty of multi player wins!

10.The Rocket Launcer is a good gun. It has the furthest firing range of "missle guns" you can hit pretty well anything that's straight in front of you. This gun is devastating against soft targets.

11.The sniper rifle is a great gun with the longest of ranges. It's weakness is that it's not strong at all.

