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Head of Division : Dr. Balram Sharma

Main activities of the Division in brief : 

Genetics division is engaged in two manor activities i.e. research and teaching.  These two activities are interlinked.  Under research, breeding, genetics and cytogenetics are major areas of concern.  Breeding is being carried out to develop high yielding, nutritionally superior and disease free cultivars in cereals, pulses, oilseeds and cotton. A large number of high yielding varieties in different crop plants have been released in the past for which Genetics division is known as a seat of well known "Green Revolution".

Projects in progress along with name of the Project Leaders :

  • Development of Improvedwheat varieties for irrigated timely and late sown conditions - Dr. V. P. Kulshrestha
  • Genetics and breeding for resistance to rusts in developing improved wheats - Dr. S. S. Singh
  • Development of promising genotypes for moisture stress conditions and rust resistance - Dr. P. S. L. Srivastava
  • Improvement for specific traits including yield through intro and interspecific crosses in wheat and Triticale - Dr. M. K. Upadhyay
  • Induced alien genetic variation and location of gene(s) on specific chromosome(s) in hexaploid wheat - Dr. Dalmir Singh
  • Incorporation of resistance to rusts and Karnal bunt using Aegilops speltoides and Ae. mutica - Dr. S. M. S. Tomar
  • Breeding durum wheats - Dr. H. N. Pandey
  • Genetic improvement and evaluation of quality traits in wheat - Dr. P. Raghavaiah
  • Breeding for rice hybrids - Dr. F. U. Zaman
  • Development of high yielding and high quality rice Dr. V. P. Singh
  • Ideotype improvement in rice with particular emphasis on developing "Super plant type" for short duration varieties - Dr. S. N. Chakrabarti
  • Breeding for single cross hybrids and composites of maize for irrigated conditions - Dr. B. K. Mukherjee
  • Breeding hybrids and composites for rainfed conditions - Dr. Ram Deo Singh
  • Basic and strategic Research in Maize Genetics - Dr. K. R. Sarkar
  • Distant hybridization and molecular cytogenetic approach for alien transfer of useful genes into maize - Dr. J. K. S. Sachan
  • Development of productive disease resistant hybrids and populations in pearlmillet - Dr. O. P. Govila
  • Breeding for short duration varieties and hybrids in pigeonpea - Dr. S. P. Singh          
  • Evaluation of Bt technology to control pod borer infestation in pigeonpea - Dr. J. N. Govil
  • Induction of cytoplasmic mutations through callus mutagenesis for isolation of male sterile lines - Dr. Hayat Ram
  • Genetics and breeding for productivity and disease resistance in Green Gram - Dr. Hayat Ram
  • Breeding early maturing, thermoinsensitive plant type separately for three cropping seasons to suit various cropping patterns - Dr. J. L. Tickoo
  • Genetic improvement of productivity in Soybean - Dr. V. K. S. Rana
  • Genetic studies and improvement of Lentil, Pea and Cowpea - Dr. B. Sharma
  • Genetical studies for Chickpea improvement - Dr. M. C. Kharkwal
  • Breeding for high yield, biotic and abiotic stress resistance in Chickpea - Dr. S. S. Yadav
  • Deveopment of high yielding disease resistant and adapted varieties - Dr. V. Hegde
  • Cytogenetical studies in Chickpea - Dr. D. S. Mathur
  • Development of improved varieties and hybrids of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea ) - Dr. S. C. Gulati

    List of Post Graduate courses offered

    Principles and Practices for Horticultural Crops; Principles of Vegetable Production; Nutritional Requrirement s of Horticultural Crops; Breeding of Vetgetable Crops-1; Principles and Techniques of Vegetable Seed Production; Summer Vegetables; Winter Vegetables; Vegetable Breeding-II(A); Vegetable Breeding-II(B);  Seminar