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May 17, 2001

One more day and I will no longer be in high school. I will no longer be a senior. I will be an INCOMING FRESHMAN at the College of Charleston! Eeek! I'm so excited but so scared and so sad. We're all going to be bawling our eyes out tomorrow. I can't say goodbye to my underclass friends. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Do you want to see a picture of me from my school's prom this year? It isn't the entire picture but you can see the fun way I had my hair done! It's cool. Darnit! One more day of school. I'm not taking that many exams, hooray! So I won't be back at school next week doing that. Oh my gosh I can't believe I am out of high school after tomorrow. A college student. Ooooooh that sounds so fun! Our school's concert choir is having their spring concert tonight. My friend Heather (you can see her on the Galeria pictures page doing the ceili dance) and I are going because we were in choir last year and we want to be there. I am soo going to cry! :*( I need to find my fun lace-up pants from Hot Topic. It's going to be hotter 'n Hades in there but I want to look good! hehehe It's all about appearance to me. NOT! Guess what? I am the co-recipient of an exit scholarship of $500 from my school AND I am the recipient of the Foreign Language Department Award! Isn't that just totally fun and exciting? I can't wait till graduation! Except we have these crappy white robes (the girls anyway, guys have brown) that are really wide and really hot so we'll all look fat and we'll be sweating like crazy! Grrrrrrrrrreeeeeeaaaaaaaaat! And if that paragraph of poop isn't rambling, I don't know what is!!!!!

Confucius Say: You drink too much water, you be on potty for long time

April 16, 2001

Must...think...of ramble...about. So I've been off school since last Thursday and I have to go back to school tomorrow. That's right, my poor excuse for a Spring Break is three days long. I am getting quite restless to tell the truth so maybe it's better that I go back. Wait, so that my teachers can torment me not only at home but in person? Screw that! I work till 10:30PM tomorrow night, so if I have any homework they can just poop on the sidewalk for all I care. As usual, I haven't danced in about two weeks. Call me a lazy bum but I just can't get myself to do it! Have you heard about the riots in Ol' Cincinnati? What a load of crap! I am not even going to start talking about my opinions on the subject lest I get hate emails and bombs thrown at my house or something...but I think there is always a better route than violence over ANYTHING. Fighting and violence only make innocent people suffer, as the shop vandalization downtown and the need for the curfew all weekend have demonstrated. If you want people to be sympathetic to your cause, do things in a peaceful manner and people will respect you. With violence, you only turn possible supporters against you and make them loathe your cause completely. There was one "peaceful" demonstration after the riots into which the police fired beanbags and the people were complaining about it cuz it was peaceful. EXCUSE ME but the police had a RIGHT to be extremely cautious after the crap the people were pulling down at Police Headquarters, I'm sorry!!! I am so sick of this, really I am. The fact that a curfew was needed to stop this crud just shows how bad it was getting and how people need to reevaluate what their thought processes are.

I've been doing a lot of Celtic reading lately. What have I learned? Well actually I haven't done all that much reading. I have been reading a book called Bard by Morgan Llywelyn. She's a MASTER! You have to read anything by her, especially the book Druids. She's my hero as far as Historical Fiction goes! And speaking of writing...we have stories due tomorrow in Writing class. I get to read mine last of all cuz it is probably the longest but I am so excited to read it! I spent 3.5 weeks non-stop working on this story! I need to share it with someone! Well one person has read it and he helped me edit some conspicuous parts (thanks Jon!) but I need to read it OUTLOUD. That's so fun.

Confucious Say: A Penny Saved Is One More Penny To Deal With

April 7/ 8, 2001

Everyone is so frickin' nitpicky lately!! Geezle weasel already! So it's 2:18AM here right? Is it Saturday or Sunday? I say it's Saturday night but my computer clock is telling me it's Sunday. So as a result, this Rambling is dated the 7/8 because it's not quite clear just WHAT day it is (I mean if I were in Scotland right now it'd be 7AM which would definitely mean it's Sunday but that doesn't mean SQUAT seeing as I'm in Cincinnati, Ohio!)

I have been informed via a message in my guestbook that my site is faithfully-viewed but getting stale! So I have suspected for some time. The thing is....I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO ADD TO SPICE THINGS UP! Suggestions anyone??

I have just started a new job. It's insane I swear I will just DIE soon but it's fun so I can't do that. is the site for the company. Man, if you don't have a Charlotte Russe clothing store near you I pity you greatly! They rock. The clothes is fashionable and cheap at the same time. Plus they're all running huge sales right now (I know I've had to suffer through them all this week! Ugh! Sales are good if you're buying stuff but NOT if you're ringing them up!) So buy up, girls! ;-) Sad to relate that I haven't danced since Monday night. Work has kept me busy busy busy! I think I am going Prom dress shopping tomorrow. That ought to be fun!! Just as long as I can get my chica Christina out of bed before 1:00 because I have to go in to work at 3pm and we need time to try stuff on!!! Today (or yesterday, depends on what your view of the day is though it isn't even DAYTIME right now!) I worked for 5 hours and then ran down to my school to help with this big fundraiser. It was like auctions and dinner and you have to be 21+ to attend but they have student volunteers working a lot of the stuff. I helped people find their tables for a while then I worked with these cool sophomore guys "bid-running" (I like to think of it like Blade Runner, only I am the Bid Runner. Yeah, whatever I say it's 2:30AM and logic has been suspended!) They had a live auction and, when someone won, one of us had to get this piece of paper and run around like MAD trying to find them and then get them to sign it. The ends of my toes were WHITE by 11pm that night!! (I'd had knee-high boots and socks on for 12 hours!) It was fun though I was scared initially because I didn't think I could do it. Oh yeah and all of us had to wear these cheap-arse gold vests whose threads were coming out all over the place. Very tacky. I felt so stupid and I know I looked stupid limping around all over the place cuz my feet hurt LOL

Confucious Say: Never Eat Yellow Snow

March 24, 2001

Welcome to the third page of ramblings! Visit the SECOND PAGE here and the ORIGINAL PAGE here. Click on the OAD logo above to go home.

So how is everybody doin'? I am so tired. I was at Sharon Woods all day cleaning an old house from the early 19th Century. Whew that was a task! If you go to and go to the "Heritage Village" part of the site and click on "Vorhes House" it will have a picture of the place I helped clean. I have never been this exhausted in my life! But it was so worth it. If you ever get a chance to do behind-the-scenes work at a museum like that DO IT! You will not regret it. The best place of working at a museum is that you get to see all the stuff that the regular people who pay to come through don't ever get to see! Isn't that fun? Of course it is! Do you like the picture of my shoes on here? It used to be on the front but I made a new graphic of me dancing in hardshoe and socks to stick at the top of the main page. Ughers! Don't ask, I just decided to make up a new word. I AM SO HAPPY TO BE DANCING AGAIN!! I'm kinda kicked out of my dancing spot tonight though. You see, my brother and I share the basement for practice. He is in a heavy metal band and I dance. When they are practicing, I keep clear. Sometimes when he's practicing alone I dance but not when they are all there! They're doing Godsmack right now. Aiyiyi! That's a good group though. My favorite song is on the new album called "Spiral". It's all about reincarnation and stuff. Oh yeah. Go see my pictures in La Galeria. Um...when it's cold outside you should wear a coat or at least a warm, long-sleeved shirt. Uh-huh.

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An Introduction to Irish Dance
Tips For Your First Feis
Your Buckles Made Simple!
Dancing on Dangerous Ground
Lord of the Dance
The Lyrics to Oscail an Doras (find out what "Oscail an Doras" means in English!)
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