Ixia Album 3
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Ixia Album 6
Ixia Album 7

Ixia "Miss Watson Striped"
A lovely hybrid available in Australia
Ixia viridflora var. viridflora
The flower displayed was grown from seed of the Botanical Society in South Africa. Seed to flower in one year makes it worth trying -
Viridflora: with green flowers;
- common names: green ixia, groenklossie;
- the tall, wiry stems bear numerous large, long-lasting, turquoise-green flowers with dark centres;
- plants are now rare and grow on bush-covered, rocky slopes;
- description: Inflorescence: simple, erect, up to 60 cm, usually 40 to 45 cm;
- flowers numerous, up to about fifteen, bright turquoise-green with dark purplish-maroon to black centre and bright yellows anthers.
Photo Copyright © Bill Richardson
Ixia longituba var. bellendenii (syn. I. bellendenii)
- A lovley species
Name: bellendenii: named in honour of Bellenden a plant collector.
- An impressive, distinctive species with large flowers.
Description:- Inflorescence: simple or branched with tall, wiry stems, six to twelve flowered, up to 6ocm Flowers: large, with a long tube, cream or cream flushed with pink. with deep pink on reverse.
- Leaves: two to three, basal,erect, up to 40 cm, shorter than the inflorescence.
- Flowering time: September/October.
- Distribution: Villiersdorp, Caledon, Bredasdorp.
Photo Copyright © Bill Richardson
Ixia dubia.
- dubia: dubious, doubtful
plants grow in open, sandy places on flats, slopes, hills and on plateaux
Inflorescence: simple or branched, 25 to 50 cm., occasionally up to 75cm., three to fifteen flowered
flowers: with a long tube, bright, golden-yellow to orange with a dark centre and reddish on the undersides of the outer lobes
leaves: shorter than the stem, up to 15 cm.
flowering time: October to December
distribution: Piketberg to the Peninsular and Tulbagh and East to Caledon.
Photo Copyright © Bill Richardson