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Ixia Album 4

Ixia Album 1
Ixia Album 2
Ixia Album 3
Ixia Album 5
Ixia Album 6
Ixia Album 7

Ixia "Miss Watson Striped"

A lovely hybrid available in Australia. Could possibly be a form of Ixia campanulata.

Ixia rapunculoides var. rapunculoides

Ixia campanulata (syn. Ixia speciosa)

Ixia capillaris

This Ixia was grown from seed which came from a supplier in South Africa marked as "Species No 3". It is Ixia capillaris. It flowers in July/August and has a white/lilac flower, becoming whiter as the flower ages. It flowers at the same time as the lilac species, I.rapunculoides var. rapunculoides (pictured top above) but is colored differently and has a more open flower, also a slightly larger flower.