Ixia Species Description and Identification
acaulis Goldblatt & Manning
A species differing from all other Ixia species in its short subterranean stem, single terminal flowers with subterranean ovary
Found in rock cracks on limestone ridges
Leaves : 3-5, basal. Linear to narrowly lanceolate, spreadind, often prostrate
Flowers : bright yellow
Flowering time : May
Distribution : Western Cape
aurea J. C. Manning & Goldblatt
Ixia aurea is known only from the granitic slopes above the Darling-Yzerfontein road, the yellow-orange spikes making a brilliant display when the plants flower in September, occasionally into early October
Leaves : 5 or 6, all basal, narrowly lanceolate, (8-) 10-16 mm. wide, usually reaching to about the middle of stem, uppermost leaf usually entirely sheathing, margins and midribs not thickened, lightly twisted in upper half
Flowers : uniformly deep yellow or orange, unscented
Flowering time : September/October
Distribution : Western Cape Darling District
brevituba G.J. Lewis
The description has been drawn from the only two known collection of this very distinct species. It is most closely allied to I. trifolia but distinguished by the taller, more slender stem, longer narrow leaves and blue flowers, with a very short perianth tube which is not more than 1.5 mm. Long and is the shortest in the genus
Flowers : actinomorphic, pale blue or violet-blue, tinged with darker blue
Leaves : 4 to 5, linear or linear-lanceolate, subfalcate or erect, 18 to 45 cm. Long. 1.5 to 4 mm. Wide, firm with the margins, mid rib,and one or two other veins slightly prominent
Flowering time : September/October
Distribution : Sutherland, near Quaggas Pass on road from Middleport to Ceres
brunneobracteata G.J. Lewis
The shiny, chestnut colored bracts, sometimes torn at the apex, distinguish this species from all others in the section
It is allied to I. capillaris but as well as the different bract, it has slightly wider leaves and the spikes are more complete and usually have more flowers
Plants grow in marshy places near the western border of the Calvinia divisions at about 2000 - 3000 ft. altitude
Leaves : three, the lower two are linear or linear-lancelate, erect, or the lower falcate, about half as long as the stem, 2-5 mm wide, fairly firm with the mid-rib and margins fairly prominent
Flowers : campanulate, cream-colored and the outer lobes occasionally pale mauve, the tube yellow inside
Flowering time : September/October
Distribution : Nieuwoudtville, Groenriver, Bokeveld, Willemsriver
campanulata Houtt.
Common names : red ixia, rooikaloosie
Grows in sandy places at the foot of the mountains in the Tubalgh, Paarl and Worcester Division
The species is variable as regards the size of the plant, the number of flowers and their color which varies from deep crimson to pure white, with intermediates such as longitudinally- banded with white on the outside or white-flushed with red on the outside
Leaves : 5 to 10, linear or sublate, 5 to 20 cm. Long, 2 to 5 mm. Wide, erect or sub-erect, usually half as long as the stem, or slightly more, 3-6 nerved (occasionally), the mid rib and margins slightly prominent
Flowers : rotate-campanulate or crateri-form with a short tube, varying from deep crimson to pure white, usually red, with a longitudinal white band on the outside of the lobes or, white-suffused with red outside
Flowering times : October - November
Distribution : Worcester, Paarl
capillaris L. f.
Plants grow on flats, hills and mountain slopes in sandy or clay soils
Flowers : white, pale blue or mauve, sometimes pale green at the throat
Leaves : three, erect, the lower two linear or linear-filiform with the margins of the ribs more or less raised, 6-18 cm. long, 0.5 - 2 cm wide, often spirally twisted, seldom reaching above middle of stem, upper leaf larger.
Flowering time : July to September
Distribution : Clanwilliam, Piketberg, Ceres, Worcester, Malmsbury, Bellville, Paarl, Stellonbosch, Somerset West, Montagu, Riversdale, Ladismith, Laingsburgh
cochlearis G.J. Lewis FP 25: 969
The plants grow on dry, stoney slopes in the Stellonbosch Division
The flowers resemble some forms of I. Latifolia but the corm, leaves, simple flexuose stem and much shorter bracts are quite different
Leaves : 3 basal and 2 or 3 cauline, linear, erect or sub-erect, 10 - 3o cm. Long, 1-3 mm. wide, usually reaching to the base of spike or shortly below it
Flowers : rose-pink or salmon-pink with darker median veins on the lobes
Flowering time : November
Distribution : Stellonbosch
collina Goldbl. & Snijman
Plants grow on moist south-facing clay slopes of karroid hills
Leaves : 3 or 4, linear to narrowly ensiform
Flowers : pink, with a cream-colored to yellow centre outlined in deep pink
Flowering time : late August to mid September
Distribution : Western Cape, South East of Worcester
crispa sensu G.J. Lewis. Non L. f = I.erubescens
curta Andr.
curta : shortened, curtailed
plants grow in sandy soils on flats and hills
Inflorescence : usually simple, rarely branched, three to ten flowered, up to 40 cm.
Flowers : bright golden-yellow with a dark brown or dark green mark in the centre, the outer lobes usually flushed red on the reverse
Leaves : four to six, firm, erect to sub-erect, sometimes twisted, up to 25 cm.
Flowering time : October
Distribution : Moorreesburg, Hopefield, Malmsbury and Darling
curvata G.J. Lewis
Closely related to I. Trifolia
Leaves : 3-5, linear, arcuate, with prominent midriff
Flowers : deep pink
Flowering time : September
Distribution : found only on the Calvinia and Great Roggeveld Plateau
dubia Vent.
dubia : dubious, doubtful
Plants grow in open, sandy places on flats, slopes, hills and on plateaux
Inflorescence : simple or branched, 25 t0 50 cm., occasionally up to 75 cm., three to fifteen flowered
Flowers : with a long tube, bright golden-yellow to orange with a dark centre and reddish on the undersides of the outer lobes
Leaves : shorter than the stem, up to 15 cm.
Flowering time : October to December
Distribution : Piketberk to the peninsular and Tulgagh and east to Caledon
In I. dubia, the dark stain in the middle of the flower has no yellow star-like pattern at its base. It differs also, from I maculata, in having smaller bracts and bracteoles of a different color and texture and the filaments are always free
erubescens Goldbl.
( I. crispa sensu G.J Lewis, non L.f.) 2
(Formerly I. Crispa)
Readily distinguished by its strongly crisped leaves
Grows on stoney or clayey flats and hill slopes
Leaves : 4-6 , linear or lanceolate, with margins strongly crisped
Flowers : pink with a small, greenish centre often outlined in red
Flowering time : August & September
Distribution : Piketberg, Tulbagh, Worcester, Paarl, Stellonbosch and Caledon
esterhuyseniae De Vos
This is a high altitude species growing at altitudes of 900 -1200 m.
Closely resembles I. Oderata
Leaves : 6 or 7, linear-lanceolate, with 1-3 or more slightly prominent veins
Flowers : yellow, reddish outside in upper half
Flowering time : late December to early January
Distribution : Jonker-hoek, Hottentots Holland Mountains
flexuosa L.
flexuosa : bent alternately in opposite directions
Common name : corn flower, koringblom
Plants grow in clay or sandy soils on flats, hills and mountain slopes
Inflorescence : simple or branched, up to 65 cm., stems slender, three to fifteen flowered
Flowers : fainly scented, pink, mauve or white, with dark stripes radiating from the centre
Leaves : narrow, sometimes spirally twisted
Flowering time : Late July to early October
Distribution : Clanwilliam to Ceres and the Peninsular and east to Worcester and Riversdale
framesii L.Bol.
framesii : named in honor of the late Percy Ross Frames, a plant collector
Plants grow in sandy situations. A rare species
Inflorescence : usually simple, slender, up to 35 cm., usually three to six flowered, occasionally up to twelve
Flowers : salmon-pink to tomato-red, or brick-colored, with long perianth tubes and dark markings in the centre
Flowering time : July to October
Distribution : Darling, Malmsbury
frederickii De Vos
Plants grow on sandy soils
Leaves : Linear, somewhat flaccid in texture, veins and margins slightly prominent
Flowers : fiery orange-red with a small glossy, brownish-black to purplish or sometimes dark olive-green centre
Flowering time : October
Distribution : Bokbaai and Mamre
fucata Ker-Gawl, var. filifolia G.J. Lewis
Corm fibres not forming a long tuft; leaves linear-filiform, up to 1 mm. wide
Grows on mountain slopes and in kloofs at altitudes of 900 m. or higher
Leaves : 3, linear-filiform, midrib fairly prominent
Flowers : salver-shaped, white or pale pink , deep pink outside and at base of lobes
Flowering time : September to November
Distribution : in the mountains around Worcester, Paarl and Caledon, at up to about 1000 m.
fucata Ker-Gawl. var. fucata
Corm fibres usually forming a long tuft around base of shoot; leaves linear or subulate
Leaves : 3, or 4, linear or subulate with midrib and often margins fairly prominent, and sometimes with raised veins
Grows on mountain slopes and in kloofs at altitudes of 900 m. or higher
Flowers : salver-shaped, white or pale pink
Flowering time : September to November
Distribution : found in the mountains around Ceres, Worcester, Montagu and Robertson
gloriosa G.J Lewis
A rare species somewhat resembling I. Lutea var. ovata
Leaves : (2) , 3 or 4, linear, erect with slightly prominent margins and mid rib
Flowers : deep pink with a large purple-black circular centre glossy when fresh
Flowering time : August to Sptember
Distribution : Western Cape, foot of Langeberg near Leeurivierberg, on lower mountain slopes in the Montagu district
latifolia Delaroche var. angustifolia G.J. Lewis
Plants grow on sandy flats and mountain slopes
A slender alpine variety distinguished from var. latifolia by its narrower leaves and more often simple stem with 1 or 2 flowered spike
Leaves : 3-5, lanceolate, to linear , falcate or straight, firm, with margins and midrib often prominent
Flowers : pink, mauve to violet or magenta, rarely whiteish; sometimes with a long perianth tube
Flowering time : October to December (to January)
Distribution : Clanwilliam to Ceres, Paarl and Stellonbosch
latifolia Delaroche var. curviramosa G.J. Lewis
Plants grow on sandy flats and mountain slopes
The plants are sturdier and shorter than in var. latifolia (in dry seasons only 100 mm. tall)
Leaves : 3-5, lanceolate, to linear , falcate or straight, firm, with margins and midrib often prominent
Flowers : whitish, pale mauve or magenta
Flowering time : September to October
Distribution : from Ceres to Laingsburg, and Worcester to Montagu
latifolia Delaroche var. latifolia
Plants grow on sandy flats and mountain slopes
Leaves : 3-5, lanceolate, to linear , falcate or straight, firm, with margins and midrib often prominent; 8-20 cm. wide
Flowers : mauve, pink or magenta
Flowering time : September to October
Distribution : A few local forms of this var. occur near Prince Alfred Hamlet; from Calvinia to Ceres and Worcester
latifolia Delaroche var. parviflora G.J. Lewis
Somewhat similar to var. curviramosa
Plants grow on sandy flats and mountain slopes
Leaves : 3-5, lanceolate, to linear , falcate or straight, firm, with margins and midrib often prominent; 8-20 cm. wide
Flowers : smaller 15-20 mm., deep pink to violet, fragrant
Flowering time : August to September
Distribution : Western Cape, Laingsberg, Whitehill, Ghaap Kop, Montagu
latifolia Delaroche var. ramulosa G.J. Lewis
Plants grow in sandy soil
This variety closely resembles a form of var. curviramosa from the Koue Bokkeveld which also has deep magenta flowers
Leaves : 5-15 mm. wide
Flowers : purple or mauve
Flowering time : August to September
Distribution : Namaqualand
leipoldtii G.J. Lewis
longituba N.E.Br.
longituba N.E.Br. var. bellendenii (R. C. Foster) M. P. de Vos, comb. et stat. nov., p. 63
An impressive distinctive species with large flowers
Inflorescence : simple or branched with tall, wiry stems, six to twelve flowered, up to 60 cm.
Flowers : large, with a long tube, cream, or cream flushed with pink, with deep pink on reverse
Leaves : two or three, basal, erect, up to 40 cm., shorter than the inflorescence
Flowering time : September/October
Distribution : Villiersdorp, Caledon, Bredasdorp
lutea Eckl. var. lutea
lutea Eckl. var. ovata (Andr.) B. Nord
maculata L. var. fusco-citrina (Desf.ex DC) G.J. Lewis
maculata L. var. intermedia G.J. Lewis
maculata L. var. maculata FP 9:329.
maculata : spotted, marked, blotched
Common names : yellow ixia, geelkalossie
Plants were once common but owing to agricultural development they are becoming fairly rare. They grow in sandy soils on flats and low hills
Inflorescence : up to 60 cm., simple or branched
Flowers : up to seventeen, yellow or deep golden-yellow to orange with purplish-black blotches at the throat
Leaves : six, up to 20 cm.
Flowering : September/October
Distribution : from Clanwilliam south to the Peninsular, also at Tulbagh and Worcester
marginifolia (Salisb) G.J Lewis
metelerkampiae L. Bol.
micranda Bak. var. confusa G.J Lewis
micrandra : with small or short stamens
Plants grow in sandy soils on flats, hills and mountain slopes
Inflorescence : usually simple, slender, up to 60 cm., two to six flowers
Flowers : white, deep to pale pink to mauve, with very short stamens
Leaves : very narrow, shorter than the inflorescence
Flowering time : July to September
Distribution : from Paarl and Hottentots Holland Mountains east to Oudtshoorn and Bredasdorp
micranda Bak. var. micranda
micranda Bak. var. minor G.J Lewis
monadelpha Delaroche FP 8:317
mostertii De Vos
odorata Ker-Gawl var. hesperanthoides G.J Lewis
odorata : fragrant
Plants variable in size. They grow in sandy soils on flats, hills and mountain slopes
Inflorescence : simple, occasionally branched, 25 to 45 cm., usually about 35 cm. Stems long, slender, wiry, five to ten flowered, occasionally up to eighteen flowered
Flowers : fragrant, bright yellow, the segments sometimes reddish beneath
Leaves : three to five, somewhat spirally twisted, shorter than the inflorescence
Flowering time : September/October, occasionally November
Distribution : Clanwilliam to the Peninsular, Worcester, Ceres to Caledon and Hermanus
odorata Ker-Gawl var. odorata FP 9:349
orientalis L.Bol.
paniculata Delaroche
paniculata : growing in a panicle
A tall, variable species, however, the distinctive character is the long perianth tube
Plants grow in damp sandy soils on flats, mountain slopes and plateaux
Inflorescence : usually branched, five to eighteen flowered tall, slender, up to 1 metre
Flowers : variable, large, perianth long, narrow, erect, pale to deep cream, sometimes pale yellow, the outer lobes often pink to reddish on reverse.
Leaves : two to three, basal, narrow, shorter than the inflorescence
Flowering time : September to December
Distribution : Clanwilliam south to the Peninsular to Caledon
patens Ait. var. linearifolia G.J Lewis -
patens Ait var. patens
paucifolia G. J Lewis
pauciflora : with a few leaves
Plants grow on flats and slopes in hilly and mountainous regions and on plateaux
Inflorescence : simple or branched, slender, up to 30 cm.
Flowers : three to eleven, white or cream-colored, the outer lobes sometimes pale- mauve, pale or deep pink on the outside. The perianth tubes long and narrow.
Leaves : usually three, the lowest sometimes falcate.
Flowering time : September to November, occasionally to January at high altitudes
Distribution : Clanwilliam to Worcester and east to Ladismith and Laingsburg
polystachya L. var. crassifolia G.J Lewis
polystachya L. var. lutea(Ker-Gawl) G.J Lewis
polystachya L. var. polystachya FP 25: 968
pumilio Goldbl. & Snijman
pumilo : little or small
Plants grow in damp places in deep, sandy soils on flats and along stream banks
Inflorescence : simple or branched, up to 25 cm., usually about 15cm., six to ten flowered
Flowers : brick-red, with conspicuous veins
Leaves : three or four, loosley twisted, shorter than the inflorescence
Flowering time : August/September
Distribution : Worcester
purpureorosea G. J Lewis
rapunculoides Del. var. flaccida G.J Lewis
rapunculoides : resembling Rapunculus an obselete genus, meaning a little turnip - referring to the roots
This is a variable species which grows on damp clay flats in colonies or small groups
Inflorescence : 25 to 55 cm., branched, flowers sometimes open from the top downwards
Flowers : pale blue or mauve, tube whitish to pale green
Leaves : two, basal, somewhat falcate, shorter than the stem
Flowering time : August/September
Distribution : Kamiesberg, Calvinia, Nieuwdtville, Leliefontein, Middelpos, Moordenaarspoort
rapuncuolides Del. var. namaquana (L.Bol.) G. J Lewis
rapunculoides Del. var. rapunculoides
rapunculoides Del. var. rigida G. J Lewis
rapunculoides Del. var. robusta G.J Lewis
rapunculoides Del. var subpendula G.J. Lewis
rouxii G.J Lewis
scillaris L. var. scillaris
scillaris : like a Scilla
Common names : vlieer, weeskinders, agretjie
Plants grow in sandy and clay soils on flats and rocky mountain slopes
Inflorescence : simple or branched, up to 50 cm.
Flowers : seven to twenty five, fragrant, pink to magenta, occasionally white, anthers pendulous
Leaves : up to 25 cm.
Flowering time : August to November
Distribution : from Springbok to the Cape Peninsular to Caledon
scillaris L. var. subundulata G.J Lewis
splendida G.J. Lewis
stohriae L. Bol.
stolonifera G.J Lewis
stricta (Eckl. ex Klatt) G. J Lewis
thomasiae Goldblo.
trifolia G. J Lewis FP 14 : 543
trifolia : with two or three leaves
Plants grow among karroid vegetation on flats and hills.
Description : Inflorescence simple or usually branched, up to 30 cm., five to nine flowered.
Flowers : deep pink, magenta, cyclamen-pink, with small, dark marks at base, anthers yellow
Leaves : two, basal, up to 16 cm., the lowset being falcate.
Flowering time : August to October.
Distribution : Sutherland, Matjiesfontein, Lainsburg, Touws River.
tripervata (Bak.) G. J Lewis
vanzijliae L. Bol.
versicolor G.J Lewis
vinacea G. J Lewis
viridflora Lam.
viridflora : with green flowers
common names : green ixia, groenkalossie
This is one of the most spectacular of the Cape bulbs. The tall, wiry stems bear numerous large, long-lasting turquoise-green flowers with dark centres
Plants are now rare and grow on bush-covered rocky slopes
Inflorescence : simple, erect, up to 60 cm., usually 40 to 45 cm.
Flowers : numerous up to about fifteen, bright turquoise-green with dark purplish-maroon to black centre and bright yellow anthers
Leaves : narrow, erect, up to 30 cm.
Flowering time : October
Distribution : Clanwilliam to Tulbagh
References :
Spring and Winter Flowering Bulbs of the Cape - Barbera Jeppe
Ixia Revision 1962 - Lewis
I.B.S.A South Africa Bulletin
Ixia Revision 1999 - Miriam de Vos