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Reen's Squarame Adoption Agensy

Reen's Squarame House

The History................

Wel....There ain't much history bout this agensy.Only when they popped out somewhere from my site..I want to take care of them but couldn't afford to do so.So if you have a kind heart...go ahead and adopt them.They are called the Squarame(say Square-ra-me)
In order to adopt them you must obey these rules.....

You must have a homepage.

Your homepage must be kids safe.

Please sign my guestbook

Do not link the graphics to my server

Link back to my site

Feel you could be a good adoptive parent?#2#3



I will email you back with a registration number for your squarame.If i found anyone with an unregistered Squarame..He/she will be called a Squaramenapper.

Please choose a logo to link back to my site


Now you've choosen your Squarame and a logo...don't forget to
email me and sign my guestbook in the main page.

Thanks And GoodLuck

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