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The #1 kiss web site in existance- Updated daily- news, reveiws,photos, interviews you name it they got it-

Kiss Ozone is home to the best Richie Scarlet web site on the world wide web.Also home of the famous SCARLET LETTERS. Ozone also has fan pages and a collectors tradding and selling page. This is an awesome site- check it out

Ace the greatest Ace website ever, all the info you ever need on Ace is there.(this site is nolonger updated just for archives purposes)

Kiss Otaku- One of the two kiss web site giants- They have got it all at Otaku- news/reviews, Photos,Audio,Interviews, everything.

KISS Video Traders :

Marks Kiss tapes tradding Page- this guy is the best tradder I have ever traded with - very very reliable and quick quick quick, and just an all around super guy.
