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My Pictures

Here is the page with the pictures actually on it, for those of you with a faster connection... If you don't have a fast connection, then please use the page with the links. :)

My army pics!! From the last two years, the recent pics.

Pics from childhood to grade 9.

Me as a ladybug. 6 yrs old.

Me and Santa!! 6 yrs old.

Me and Amy. Grade 7.

Me and Rebecca. Grade 7.

Me and Christine. Grade 7.

Me and my brother Ashley. 13 and 14 respectively.

Me with my bunny, which I got from Eric, at my 13th birthday party.

Group shot from my 13th birthday..

Eating pizza at the party..

Me reading a card at my party.

Group shot, left to right: Krista White, Eric Martel, me, Bobbie-Lynne Muirhead, Kari Richardson, Christine Clow, Rebecca Lupkoski..

More from the party.

Pic from my modelling course, left to right: Julie, me, Chantale, Coralie Lush, Alanna MacNeil, and our instructor(who also taught me jazz dancing:) Angela Gaudet... I think that was her last name... *lol*

Me from modelling.

More from modelling.

More from modelling.

Pics from my 14th bday.

More from the party..

Yet more party pics.

Guess what? More party pics. Bet ya didn't see that one coming?*lol*

Me and Andrew Sutton.

Me and Rebecca Lupkoski.

Me and Coralie Lush.

Me and Eric Jurarsee.(sorry if I spelled it wrong, if you ever see this Eric:) The inscription on the vard said "From one sex symbol to another, happy birthday!!" *lol*

Me and Krista White.

Me and Krista at my house, with AVON face masks on... We thought we looked ridiculous so we took a pic.

Picture booth pics of me and Krista... Someone had already put a loonie in(loonie is a Canadian dollar, and the booth requires three:) so when I put two in, we were surprised and our first pic was messed, which she has... We were messed up and counted the pics wrong, and the last one with me standing, we had thought it had already taken the last pic!!! :)

More booth pics, this time of me, Krista, and Tammy Rowland.

More booth pics of me and Krista...

Another of me, Krista and Tammy... I love the expression on Krista's face!!!

8th grade class picture. Frist row, left to right. Selena and Rebecca Lupkoski, Tammy Rowland, Coralie Lush, George Girton, Stephanie Lauzon, Alanna MacNeil, Dipo Kirnaen(sorry if it's not right:) and Aaron who's last name I don't remember...
Second row, left to right. Eric Jurarsee, Shawn Morgan, Jason can't remember the last name either, Kari Richardson, me, Andrew Sutton, Francis Bognar, and the greatest teacher ever, Mike Slater!!!
Top row, left to right. Kris Brabant, Chandrei Majumdar, Johnny Estey, Jason St. Thomas, and Kristen Luschychen. I can't believe I remembered everyone's names... :)

8th grade graduation. That's me in the front row with the black dress... Not the scrawny one though, that's Crystal... *lol*

8th grade graduation again.

Me and Navin at grade 9 grad.

Pics of me and my dogs...

My little puppy Belle, a little after we first got her, bout three years ago.

Baby Belle when we first got her... Don't ya just love the ears?!!!!! :)

Me and Belle, when she was just little... :)

Me, Belle, and my dad sticking his head in the pic...

My puppy Odie... He died a few years ago from throat cancer... He was such a sweetie!!!!

Odie again, my favorite pic of him...

Me, my mom and Odie, at Christmas one year.