Lookin' good.


Full Name: Lance Redcloud
Age: 19
Sex: Male
Hair/Eyes: Very Shiny Wonderful Black/Very Wonderful Violet Blue
Occupation: He doesn't need a job. He can get by on his incredible looks and his rapier-like wit.
Distinguishing Characteristics: Unbelievable handsomeness and godliness.
Personality: Charming, witty, charismatic, talented. Very attractive. Eskimo thinks he's kind of lazy and complains sometimes. Rory claims he's somewhat lacking in the common sense department. His old teacher, Mr. Zjamboo, says he's intelligent, but doesn't apply himself. Other than that, I'm--uh, he's the most wonderful, perfect being I ever met.
Quote: "Who's that in the mirror? He's cute!" "There ain't no cure for Gorillian fever."
Titles: Prince of Darkness, Knave of Hearts, Dark Knight, White Knight

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