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If you are looking for a way to increase traffic to your website with minimal effort and ABSOLUTELY FREE where you don't trade away two visitors for one display elsewhere, you've come to the right place. Join the thousands of webmasters who have participated and in a short period of time watched their site visits begin to SOAR!! Banner Explode members have received as many as 20,000 visits per day.

One webmaster from Arkansas received an average of 15,000 visits per day to his personal music home page. Another webmaster from South Carolina averaged 22,000 visits per day over a months span to his Free Links Page. Free Links pages produce the greatest results because they are mostly visited by webmasters looking to advertise their site (as they discover BANNER EXPLODE, they take a copy of it, including your banner with them to their own site because of the system's unique design). A florist in Toronto increased their sales by 200% in 3 months time after joining the Banner Explode System.

The System is very simple which is why it produces such great results. This is free and open to all sites, commercial or not. By displaying a total of 4 banners on your web site, in afew months you can have your banner displayed on as many as 50,000 web sites or more each and every minute of each and every day. There are no 2 to 1 ratios or random banner displays, only pure exposure and pure hits.

You simply display the 4 sponsorship banners on your site and share this page with others who will carry your banner to place on their site also. It just keeps growing expotentially with minimal effort. Of course, it will grow even faster if you promote with your BANNER EXPLODE banner.

Once you begin to realize the power of this system, you will begin to concentrate all your promotional efforts to your BANNER EXPLODE page because for every new member that joins, it's one more growing branch on your promotional tree which is spreading your main site banner like wildfire!


  • Use your browser and copy the source of this document. Save it to your system as explode.html
  • Copy the HTML code of the four sponsorship banners below onto your Link Page or your main page EXACTLY as they are here. (You don't have to copy the images.)
  • Remove the banner code in the FOURTH position on your explode.html page, move the others down and place yours in FIRST position.

    Make sure your banner graphics is located on YOUR SERVER! Graphics will not be transferred with this page, nor will the explode.gif banner below. Also do not use banner larger than 10k or 15k. Larger graphics slow down every one's page.

  • Copy (right click) the banner explode.gif (Banner Explode) and save it to your server. Place the banner on your main page (or a page with the most traffic), change the code and link it to your explode.html page. Also make sure the banner appears as below on your explode.html page and is linked in the 'click here' link as above in this sentence.

Banner Explode-The expotential banner exchange
Free Banner Explode-can put your banner on over 50,000 sites daily

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