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Travis Facts!

Here's some stuff I dug up on Travis! =0)

  • Born: October 8, 1983

  • Hometown: Annapolis, MD

  • Height: 6 feet 3 inches tall (he's reeeally tall! I felt really short next to him! LOL!)

  • Weight: 150 lbs.

  • Tidbit: He got his first motorcycle at the age of 4 for Christmas. Soon after, he won his first championship (yes, he was 4!).

  • Tidbit: He rides a 125 c.c. bike.

  • Tidbit: Any fan of his shall know this, but he had knee ligament surgery last year.

  • Tidbit: He went to St. Martin's School until the fifth grade, when his parents decided to home school him. He is finished up with high school at only 15, and is interrested in a career in broadcasting!

  • Tidbit: After winning the X-Games, he jumped into the San Fransico Bay! (Ewwie! TRAVIS!)

  • Tidbit: As you probably know, I met travis and I got a lot of information about him from himself and his parents. They told me how he was going to start supercross on October 9th of this year and he Was coming back to freestyle later in the year! He's coming back to the Gravity Games next year, as well as the X-Games!
