On March 13, the tour schedule was up! I was almost
scared to look; I would have bet my life he was coming, but if I didn't look, I still had that thought "He'll come,". I told my sister the schedule was up and she ran out, asking if he was coming, I didn't know. Then, the moment of truth... We looked, nothing, nothing, nothing... Then the third-to-last concert, Morrison CO, Red Rocks! (Red Rocks is really in Denver) My mom said she didn't know if we could go, since she didn't know how far away Morrison was from us. I remembered Red Rocks was near Denver though :0)
What a long day... It was up to dad if we got to go or not, and he's against concerts (Since they get out of hand a lot of the time) so it looked kind of bad. Then, he got home, I was freaking out! My mom said she would talk to him, and she did. By 7:30, he had made up his mind... He called me into his room. "So where's this gonna be?", "Who's the opening act?" I answered his questions while biting my bottom lip. "Okay, but only on a few conditions," I was so happy! I ran out, interrupting "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire", to tell my sister and foster sister! Needless to say, we all screamed, cried, and smiled all night long!
We waited for tickets a week, on the 23rd, I checked at about 9:30 am, and guess what was going on sale at 10 am!!! Tickets!!! I (again) was worked up! My mom wanted to order online, since it was cheaper that way, but I insisted on talking to a person, so we called :0) (thanks, mum!) We were the first to call, the guy said he hadn't even turned on his computer! The BEST seats they had were row 25 though (Since they give them out to radio stations and stuff) we took 'em!! Now I was really excited! I went to the Red Rocks site, and found row 25, great view!! (Look on the picture page to see it for yourself!)
On the 28th, our tickets came! Seats 107, 108, 109, and 110! We stuck dad with seat 110! (Hehe) I took 107, my sister Sara has 108, and that leaves our foster sister with 109!
On May 26 the worst thing that could happen did! I was on ticketweb seeing how fast the Ringo concert was selling... When I noticed a new addition to the info... "21 & + ONLY" OH NO! I ran a few block to the town park where me mum was with me brother and sister and their friends. She promised to call ticketweb as soon as she came home.
After what seemed like an eternity, she came home... I sat on the floor, listening to her side of the conversation with a ticketweb employee... Didn't sound good... I left... When she got off of the phone, I came into the living room, "We aren't going, are we?" She shook her head. Of course, I burst into tears (Who wouldn't??) I ran into me room and lied down on me bed, still crying. Throughout the entire day I was crying... Me mum suggested I email the ringotour webmaster, hey, what did I have to loose?
The next morning, I didn't feel like getting online... I would just see me start page "Only (how ever many days left" until we see Ringo!" then I'd have emails from friends, telling me how sorry they were... Well, the ringotour webmaster could have emailed me... I decided that was enough to get me online, sure enough! There it was!
HI Jamie,
I'm the webmaster, and I've been following your posts to the Forum... I'm really sorry to hear about the age thing... I of course didn't have any data on that at all... kind of hard to believe unless for some reason it's a Casino or something... I really didn't know about the age thing.
I sure hope you're mom can work something out with the management at the venue.
best of luck,
Well! That got me hopes up pretty high! I went to ticketweb to see if they had put up a reason why you had to be over 21... Only to see the notice was gone! Now all I had to do was wait until Monday to confirm it with Red Rocks (Since they aren't open on the weekends). When Monday finally rolled around, I was sick. At about 9:30 a.m I remembered Ringo's live press conference was going to be broadcast online at 11:30! And Red Rocks should be calling soon, too! I didn't feel that well, but I got up anyway. Good thing I did! Not even a half hour later Red Rocks called! There was no such rule prohibiting me younger sister and I from going! YES! I later watched the end of the press conference online... (I couldn't find it for the 1st half)
Finally! June! On the 4th I turned 15, and got lotsa fab and groovy stuff to wear to the concert (eye dust, body glitter, a watch, etc.)! Could I get MORE excited? YES!
It was the 26th when it started sinking in... I mean REALLY sinking in! I was going to see RINGO! WOW! I coundn't sleep, and when I did, I drempt about Ringo!
June 27th... The DAY before the concert! I couldn't even eat! I was just too excited! (I did manage to force down a little bit, but even then it wasn't like I thought I needed it!) The day just dragged on as if tomorrow would never come! But of course, it did!
We left for the concert at about 1:30 PM, I was sooooooo excited! I could barley hold it in! We went to Wal-Mart and then to Red Rocks! Walking up to the concert area was really hard, but I didn't mind! Ringo was up there somewhere! We finally got up, but the gates weren't open, so we had to just sit down for a bit and listen to a guy test the microphones. Then a lady in a yellow jacket came and told us they were about to check tickets and we had to go get in line! I darted down to the stairs and got in line! For 45 minutes we stood there, not once did I sit down! I was tapping me toe, twiddling me thumbs or bouncing around the whole time! Every few minutes I looked down at me watch.
I was waiting for me friend from the Ringo tour forum, Chet. He said he looked like Ringo and would be wearing a "Liverpool, England" or "Will Drum For Food" t-shirt. Sara tapped me on the shoulder, "there he is," Sure enough! A Ringo clone! We asked dad if we could go say hi, and he said no, but we begged and told him mum said it was okay, so he gave in! "You must be Chet?" I said as I extended me hand, "Yeah, and you are?" When I told him I was Jamie, he remembered me! We shook hands and talked for a minute, then went back to stand in line.
Finally! 5:30! The gates opened! Unfortunately, they didn't allow cameras or any kind, so dad had to run back to the car with our 2 cameras and 9 rolls of film.
Sara and I went in and asked where our seats where, row 25, seats 107, 108, and 109. The lady pointed them out. They weren't so great, but we were there! Then, Chet walked up! He asked why we were sitting so far back. We told him that those were our seats. He explained that they had changed to it general admission and we could go sit wherever we wanted! Fab! He told us that where we were sitting then is where he sat in ‘64 when he saw the Beatles! WOW! As we started walking down to get better seats, a lady who worked at Red Rocks told us we had to stay put. Uh oh. Chet told us to hold on and he went and talked to her. It was her first day, and she didn't know about the general admission. "She thinks I'm someone else," he said as he walked down to our new seats with us! How fab! Everyone probably thought Ringo was escorting us to our seats! We grabbed some seats in 6th row. Everyone was very spread out. I was in-between seats 62 and 63! So close to center! WOW!
Finally! Dad got back! We called him over and explained about Chet and the general admission! Dad came and sat down with us. We asked if we could go buy some souvenirs, he said sure, and gave us $40 each. We made two trips! We both ended up with one of everything in the end (Except we got 3 key chains and only one poster)! Then we went and filled up dad's water bottles at the fountain. It wasn't working, so we had to ask the folks at the concession stand to turn it on!
Dad said he was going to go pick up something for Katie and Cody, "We'll get it, Dad. You don't have to go." we told him, he just kept walking! While he was gone, Chet came over and asked if dad said it was okay if we sat in 6th row, we said he was fine with it and thanked him again for telling us about the general admission! When dad came back, he had 2 shirts, one for Katie, one for Cody!
I started seeing band members! No Ringo, but there was Dave Edmunds! Simon Kirke! Eric Carmen! Then a guy from the Fox (radio station) came and told us all that Ringo was downstairs tuning a guitar! Then the crowd practiced our screaming for when Ringo came out! The music started! I looked around for Ringo! There he was! I could barely stand up!!! He ran out and started singing "It Don't Come Easy"!! He was wearing a black pair of pants with a black jacket and a white shirt with blue and red stars on it! Very fab! He had on the same pair of shoes he was wearing in US Weekly! (Black and white)! So cute!
"Last time I was here I didn't get to walk about much," he said as he paced the stage, "So I'm doing it now!" he hummed and paced along the stage. "Last time I was here, I think the show lasted about as long as I've been walking about!" He joked!
Then he says "A little country number for you! I may have even sang it last time I was here." The band went into "Act Naturally"! That sent me toe tapping!! I couldn't stand still!!! After "Act Naturally" Ringo joked after seeing a poster that said "I Sw you Here In ‘64", "Oh yeah, you were 6 and I was 14"!
Then it was time for Eric with "Hungry Eyes" I sang along on the chorus, but the whole time I stared at Ringo drumming. "I Hear You Knocking", "Sunshine Of Your Love" and "Shooting Star" came next. When Jack was singing "Sunshine Of Your Love", he tried to fall down to his knees, you know, but it didn't quite work. He ended up falling onto the stage floor! Then he acted like he meant to do it! :0)
"This is one of the 1st songs I recorded," Ringo started. Everyone cheered! "You don't even know what it is yet!" Again, the crowd cheered! "And you don't care!" Then he started singing "I Wanna Be Your Man". It brought tears to me eyes. I couldn't believe it! I was at a Ringo concert! Ringo was 6 rows away from me! WOW! I rarely took me eyes off of the dreamy drummer with the beard. Except when Jack Bruce came and walked down by the audience, even then, I only looked away for a second!
"This song is off the last album I released," I wondered if he meant "I Wanna Be Santa Claus". "Vertical Man," He said. No, I thought, it was not, it was I Wanna Be Santa Claus! "My version of Love Me Do!" He told us before he started singing. It was fab!!! Then came "Yellow Submarine"! This song is now one of me favorites, because this is the time in the concert that Ringo acknowledged me existence! I post on the Ringotour.com forum a lot and seeing as it's Ringo official site, he probably reads all the posts... If that's the case, he would know I was going to be at Red Rocks! So during Yellow Submarine when the crowd was supposed to sing a long, he would hold the microphone out in the direction of the audience. "Let me hear you!" One time he said "Let me hear you, Jamie!" and looked out to what Sara thinks was about 25throw! I didn't hear it, but Sara and Chet it! WOW! Ringo knows I'm alive!
After "Yellow Submarine", a little girl threw some flowers to Ringo! "Are these from you?" he asked as her mum brought her close to the stage, "Come here," the girl's mum was about to put the girl on stage with Ringo said "I didn't say get on the ...... .stage!" Lots of people laughed. The girl gave Ringo the flowers at a good time, he was just about to go backstage and leave it to the other band members. Ringo then handed it over to the other members "This is the part of the show where all the members ger a solo spot," Ringo said, "We call it, ‘the part of the show where they members get a solo spot!'"
Next we heard "Boat Against The Current", "Classic Gas", "Lady Madonna" (Everyone sang the "See how they run" part!), "Theme To An Imaginary Western" and "Go All the Way".
"This is one a dear friend wrote for me," Ringo said before he came back out (this time wearing a purple jacket and white shoes!) and sang "I'm The Greatest"! He really is the greatest! Next was the "No No Song". "This song is why I'm here tonight," he explained, "It's why I'm still vertical,".
Then we had "Back Off Boogaloo"! Half way though the song, Ringo ran back and joined Jim Keltner drumming!
We listened to "I Feel Free" and "All Right Now" before Ringo sang "Boys" from behind the drum set.
"I Knew The Bride", "White Room", and "All By Myself" were the last songs sang by the other band members. "This is one of my personal favorites," Ringo told us, "It's called ‘Photograph,'" I was kinda sad, the concert was almost over by now. Oh well! What memories!
After "Photograph", Ringo and the band left the stage. The crowd cheered for at least a full minute before they ran back out to do "You're Sixteen" and then "With a Little Help From My Friends"
Before singing "With A Little Help From My Friends" Ringo told us "This is another one that if you don't know the words, you're in the wrong place!" As the song ended, Ringo did a bunch of jumping jacks! The whole crowd did the same!
One time during the concert, (I don't remember when) Ringo was fanning Eric with a towel while he was playing the key board! :0)
Once, after Jack Bruce sang a song, Ringo had everyone cheer! "They love you," Ringo told Jack. "Now we'd like to hand it back over to Ringo," Jack said. The crowd went wild! "It's a love thing, Jack," Ringo joked!