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Abuses ... Dare to Call me Terrorist ... The Bottom Line - THEY FEAR BIG
Frederick Douglass said, "Power concedes nothing without a struggle - it never has, and it never will." While we can disagree with specific tactics used by certain groups in liberation struggles, we need to support those struggles nevertheless. ENGLAND GET OUT OF IRELAND.

Sad Song Nationalists Targeted for Killing by UK
Culled from Irish News March 29, 1998 One of many incidents taken for granted
AGENT... Brian Nelson of Black Watch :)---(:  

Sinn Fein has called for probe of Nelson collusion - an article written By Michael O’Toole

SINN FEIN President Gerry Adams yesterday called for an international inquiry into claims that British military intelligence agents colluded with loyalist paramilitaries in the murder of Catholics.

A report in yesterday’s Sunday Telegraph claimed the paper had seen secret files which showed military intelligence had infiltrated Brian Nelson into the UDA to ensure the loyalist paramilitary group carried “proper targeting of Provisional IRA members prior to any shootings”.

Nelson, a former soldier in the Black Watch and originally from the Shankill Road, Belfast, was sentenced to 10 years in 1992 on conspiracy to murder charges. The charges came about after the Stevens inquiry which was set up to investigate claims of collusion between loyalists and the security forces.

Nelson, an intelligence officer in the UDA, was later unmasked as a British army agent within the organisation.

The paper yesterday printed secret documents ­ known as contact forms ­ relating to a conversation between Nelson and a military intelligence officer from the now disbanded force research unit, showing the British army knew which Catholics were being targeted by the UDA.

One of them was Sinn Fein councillor Alex Maskey, who narrowly avoided being killed by the group. Nelson is quoted as telling his handler that the group would try and kill him the following Sunday ­ and that he had personally been involved in the attack. No attempt was made to prevent the attack the following Sunday, which Mr Maskey again avoided.

Mr Adams said yesterday: “I think what is required is a totally independent international inquiry into this. “British military intelligence and other intelligence agencies within the British military apparatus have been using dirty tricks to kill political opponents since the early 1970s. “The Nelson case took on a particular significance because of the number of people killed, the fact that British military intelligence helped in the importation of weapons from South African government suppliers and the provision of intelligence information to loyalists on potential targets. “That the then British attorney general, Sir Patrick Mayhew, was responsible for a deal with Nelson which saw murder charges dropped and Nelson receive a 10 year sentence, raises many questions about the direct involvement of successive British governments, and especially the Thatcher and Major governments in this illegal and murderous strategy.”

A spokesman for the British army yesterday said it was aware of the allegations in the story. And the Northern Ireland Office said there had been a full investigation into the Nelson affair, but any fresh evidence should be submitted and dealt with by the courts.

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