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Easy Mark - Keeping Paddy's in Line

Irish Echo Article, in Sept. 23-29, 1998 issue

It appears "Newsweek Mag" expressed horror at the number of Irish American characters "clogging behind the "Riverdance" - "Angela's Ashes" bandwagon." This weakly magazine cites NBC's "Trinity," CBS's "To Have and to Hold," and Fox's "Costello" as part of trend toward "way too many Irish people" on the airwaves."

I've always expressed to my people that they were not as appreciated as they seemed to imagine, in the good old US of A. They've kidded themselves into believing that they are fully and completely treated as one with their Anglo-Saxon (and a few others) fellows.

Some friends of mine who'll remain nameless could not bring themselves to express wonderment at the exquisitive Irish dancing of Michael Flately. I sensed they were uncomfortable when evidence of an energy so grand was out and about. It did not jive with the anti-Irish programming that is more comforting to them.
Be it known, I'm not angry, I simply understand.

Envy / Hatred

America has too many Irish sounding names - we should undergo a periodic purging of Irish names to keep them in line with a "Newsweek" revisionist gatekeeper. How about us all vote on what we should substitute for Irish sounding names. Let's start with Sen. Kerry of Mass., who by the way has nary a bit of Irish blood in his veins. Mickey Rooney is another who has as much Irish blood as my sock.

We need to excise such Irish sounding names like: McGwire, O'Neill (Paul), Quill, Monyihan, Buckley, Sullivan, Kelly (be careful with that one), Kennedy, Dempsey, Buckley, Flately, Quinn, Brosnan, Neeson, Downy blah blah blah .... from the the airwaves and perhaps the music stores as well. I notice the shelves are clogged with Irish music and Irish artists.

First names appearing to be of Irish origion should also be expunged, names like: Shane, Sean, Shaun, Kerry, Kelly, Coleen, Caitlin, Kevin, and such and replace them with Ivan, Beowolf, George, Kingsley, Karl, Ludwig, Harold ..........

Although some thirty years ago Italians did not appreciate the use of their names being featured in shows dealing with gangsters. Who's names do you think were substituted instead? you guessed it, the Irish.

Hip Hip Hurray!

The wise should know, were it not for an Irish contribution the USA would not be. Don't take my word for it, read historical accounts by England's leaders around the period of America's Revolutionary War.

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