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Plunderers / Exterminators Own UP

Netted Out For Ye's

The damage inflicted by a neighbour on an august people must be set right. These noble (perceived to be) manipulators of the world's people have had more than their way with the Irish people. Being close at hand we were handy helping them to vent their spleen. This treatment has been going on a period covering more than 800 years. Sad truth the Irish largely have little appreciation of their history nor of the religion to which they claim inspired them into learning, "Land of saints and sickos" is now a more appropriate designation.."

The Queen's honoring of RUC oppressors of Irish natives with their George Cross and George Mitchell's knighting surely must provide ample evidence how they unashamedly view their nigh beaten st. paddy neighbor.

The Saxons who came and took and took and planted and planted themselves on the lands of the native people. A translated poem from the Irish language speaks to some of the trauma that was and is continually being inflicted on me and my people.

Caid a deinim ed fasta gan aimuid ta deire na gaoilte ar lar

What shall we do for timber? The last of the wood is down. Kilcash and the house of its glory And the bell of the house are gone, The spot where that lady waited Who shamed all women for grace When earls came sailing to greet her And Mass was said in the place. My grief and my affliction Your gates are taken away, Your avenues need attention, Goats in the garden stray. The courtyard's filled with water And the great earls where are they? The earls, the lady, the people Beaten into the clay.


The savages who perpetrated such devastation must be made to pay dearly for the sins of their fathers.
Billions of pounds (sterling) should be paid out to those exiles who were obliged to flee for survival from their ravaged lands. Thank you Mother England - with your royals and crowns and Black and Tans and your hired mercenaries .... and you dare to call me terrorist.

Lay some heavy bread on me as you proclaim the damage you've done to me and mine.

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