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Prayer for All People

prayer for all people

Prayer for All People

Lord of Life, We give you praise because all we know of You speaks of life, and goodness, and blessing. Yet, as we look at Your world, we are stricken with grief that so often we seem to see more that relates to death than to life. In the midst of such a world, help us to so order our lives that they will in turn express Your life.

Give us concern for the unborn dead, whom people have destined to be that for their own convenience through an injection, a pill, or a knife. Give us concern also for the living dead, those, who through want of food, medicine, or the lack of someone to care, are dead while they live. And, Lord, give us concern for the dying dead, those whose lives are almost spent here on earth.

Deliver us from seeing any of these people as a responsibility to be avoided or a bruden to be lifted from our shoulders. Instead, let us view each issue, and especially each person, as an opportunity for You to express Your life in us. Give us to be as incensed with wrong as You are, but help us also to influence our society and our fellows through our gracious words and firm stands. Above all Lord, enable us to reach out to those in need whom we can personally help, lest our profession of love be only sounding brass or a tinkling cymbol. Through him who taught us to love - Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen.

Pastor William F. Stiemann

Prayer for All People

Lord of Life, We give you praise because all we know of You speaks of life, and goodness, and blessing. Yet, as we look at Your world, we are stricken with grief that so often we seem to see more that relates to death than to life. In the midst of such a world, help us to so order our lives that they will in turn express Your life.

Give us concern for the unborn dead, whom people have destined to be that for their own convenience through an injection, a pill, or a knife. Give us concern also for the living dead, those, who through want of food, medicine, or the lack of someone to care, are dead while they live. And, Lord, give us concern for the dying dead, those whose lives are almost spent here on earth.

Deliver us from seeing any of these people as a responsibility to be avoided or a bruden to be lifted from our shoulders. Instead, let us view each issue, and especially each person, as an opportunity for You to express Your life in us. Give us to be as incensed with wrong as You are, but help us also to influence our society and our fellows through our gracious words and firm stands. Above all Lord, enable us to reach out to those in need whom we can personally help, lest our profession of love be only sounding brass or a tinkling cymbol. Through him who taught us to love - Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen.

Pastor William F. Stiemann

Prayer for All People

Lord of Life, We give you praise because all we know of You speaks of life, and goodness, and blessing. Yet, as we look at Your world, we are stricken with grief that so often we seem to see more that relates to death than to life. In the midst of such a world, help us to so order our lives that they will in turn express Your life.

Give us concern for the unborn dead, whom people have destined to be that for their own convenience through an injection, a pill, or a knife. Give us concern also for the living dead, those, who through want of food, medicine, or the lack of someone to care, are dead while they live. And, Lord, give us concern for the dying dead, those whose lives are almost spent here on earth.

Deliver us from seeing any of these people as a responsibility to be avoided or a bruden to be lifted from our shoulders. Instead, let us view each issue, and especially each person, as an opportunity for You to express Your life in us. Give us to be as incensed with wrong as You are, but help us also to influence our society and our fellows through our gracious words and firm stands. Above all Lord, enable us to reach out to those in need whom we can personally help, lest our profession of love be only sounding brass or a tinkling cymbol. Through him who taught us to love - Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen.

Pastor William F. Stiemann

Prayer for All People

Lord of Life, We give you praise because all we know of You speaks of life, and goodness, and blessing. Yet, as we look at Your world, we are stricken with grief that so often we seem to see more that relates to death than to life. In the midst of such a world, help us to so order our lives that they will in turn express Your life.

Give us concern for the unborn dead, whom people have destined to be that for their own convenience through an injection, a pill, or a knife. Give us concern also for the living dead, those, who through want of food, medicine, or the lack of someone to care, are dead while they live. And, Lord, give us concern for the dying dead, those whose lives are almost spent here on earth.

Deliver us from seeing any of these people as a responsibility to be avoided or a bruden to be lifted from our shoulders. Instead, let us view each issue, and especially each person, as an opportunity for You to express Your life in us. Give us to be as incensed with wrong as You are, but help us also to influence our society and our fellows through our gracious words and firm stands. Above all Lord, enable us to reach out to those in need whom we can personally help, lest our profession of love be only sounding brass or a tinkling cymbol. Through him who taught us to love - Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen.

Pastor William F. Stiemann


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